Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [to-vb] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With cold and deliberate fury , Bernice began to explain to the scientist exactly what she thought of his ‘ opinion ’ .
2 22 year old Katherine Monastyrskaya managed to struggle to a road where she was helped to hospital by passers by .
3 It was in these circumstances that the LDDC had to go to the Treasury for more money in 1989/90 , and again in 1990/91 , and was very successful in getting what it wanted .
4 ‘ I do n't see , ’ said Paul , ‘ why Erlend had to go to the houses .
5 It is just as well that Plainsong seemed to take to the track on her debut in the Fillies ' Maiden she was aimed at the race because owner Peter Innes was a steward at the meeting .
6 The rapidity with which the CNAA sought to respond to the demand for business studies courses can be judged by the fact that the Business Studies Board , which began to meet in March 1965 , had held five meetings by July .
7 When Fifa , the international federation of football associations , began to enthusiastically embrace professionalism , blissfully unaware of the social coding that England sought to apply to the game , the FA leaders retreated behind their entrenched ideas of what football represented .
8 Lucenzo bent to speak to the boatman .
9 The fact that Scotland tried to rise to the occasion was worth more than just two precious points .
10 Zanya began to talk to a passenger .
11 Mildred decided to get to the chest of drawers , on which stood a small mirror , so that she could see just how small she was .
12 Nigel decided to go to the hospital .
13 But when William George Barker decided to bring to the screen a stage production of Henry VIII ( 1911 ) , he cut British film production off from the innovations that had gone before .
14 Eventually , in January , Heath decided to go to the country in a general election on the theme , ‘ Who rules Britain ? ’
15 It had been planned as a separate men 's and women 's race , with the latter being sent off 20 minutes earlier , but only Dorre managed to stick to the plan , winning in 2hr 29min 38sec .
16 Some of his fans became involved in fighting and Bulloch had to return to the ring to appeal to them to stop .
17 Pempie wanted to go to the psychiatrist because she 's very keen on astrology and sends away for readings .
18 Teclis planned to return to the Empire to continue his work , but word came that the High Loremaster of the White Tower had died and the council offered Teclis his position .
19 Robert decided to come to the point .
20 In a referendum on April 22 inhabitants of Karl-Marx-Stadt voted to revert to the town 's former name of Chemnitz .
21 The Addresses offered a general analysis and defence of religion , which Schleiermacher wished to commend to the intelligentsia of his own day who were tempted to dismiss it as mere primitive superstition , while The Christian faith is a comprehensive and systematic presentation of the main themes of Christian teaching .
22 Con had to go to the Magistrates Court this morning . ’
23 Morris resolved to complain to the board , which was composed largely of retired seamen .
24 Hearing once more the call of destiny , Teclis volunteered to go to the aid of mankind .
25 Tanner appeared to come to a decision .
26 At least two of the five he had brought back with him were in worse case than he ; and Adam , who had perhaps come off lightest in actual injuries , was by no means to be envied for that , for the same story Owen had to tell to the Prince , Adam was at this moment telling to Gilleis .
27 Oliver wanted to go to the beach .
28 Will loved to talk to the actors and to listen to all their stories of London .
29 On an impulse , Kelly decided to drive to the stud and catch him there .
30 They stopped at Antwerp where one evening they got so drunk in a bar that when Minton decided to return to the hotel , Norman followed him as he doubted whether he would find his way .
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