Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tragically , Jim failed to recover from the stroke he had suffered on the Saturday morning ( 28th May ) and died the following morning .
2 Not prone to understatement , our Michael , as witness the opening paragraph of his colourful piece on the day Tendulkar took the field for the first time : The ghost of Lord Hawke failed to rise from the grave .
3 Taylor promised to abide by the Yamoussoukro settlement , although on Nov. 6 he stressed that he would defend the country against outside threats .
4 Virtually what it did it came out of the last parish council 's conference which I attended on your behalf and er the Director of Planning and Development , Colin promised to lay on a seminar for parish councillors because it seems to be the one service which always gets criticism at the parish council 's conference .
5 Whereas Moscow tried to pose as the champion of German unity therefore , the West posed as the defender of German liberty , arguing that reunification must only come after free nation-wide elections , and that Germany should be able to choose its own Allies .
6 Determinedly Isabel tried to shut off the thoughts of Dameta , of home and family .
7 Bernice agreed to lie on the ground and moan .
8 Given the basic similarity of human sexuality at birth , and the bisexual nature of human beings , Freud sought to account for the way in which men and women are produced in a particular society — namely , middle-class Europe and America in the early twentieth century .
9 On behalf of the Inter-Regional Group of some 400 radical deputies , Mr Yevtushenko moved to include on the agenda discussion of Article 6 of the constitution , which enshrines the ‘ leading and guiding role ’ of the party .
10 Being cradled against her mother 's soft warm body , Dot tried to feel like a baby , to remember what she had seen through the crack in the double doors as Gloria had cradled Baby against her while the nurses gathered round with protective outstretched arms .
11 Kyle pretended to gaze around the carriage , his eyes lingering on her for a moment .
12 A young woman called Justine came to live in the house to help my mother with the children .
13 Bernice turned to rage at the woman .
14 Gorbachev declined to comment on the talks , other than to indicate that they had been inspired by the scale of the commercial links which already existed between their countries .
15 With cold and deliberate fury , Bernice began to explain to the scientist exactly what she thought of his ‘ opinion ’ .
16 In December 1989 eight Chinese deputies belonging to the MCA threatened to resign from the Selangor assembly in protest against the new law .
17 Neill declined to comment on the sale or the suspension .
18 A period of teacher training followed , after which Blamey returned to teach at the Regent Street Polytechnic where he remained , apart from a brief period during the war , until it combined with the Chelsea Polytechnic .
19 After twelve months of reorganising and repositioning , Tyzack began to emerge as a contender in the top echelons of executive search .
20 But it was not until after 1984 and the growing rapprochement and détente between the superpowers that WEU began to re-emerge as a body that could have real value .
21 The Chronicle A ( s.a. 685 ) says that Caedwalla began to contend for the kingship in 685 , but it was not until 686 that he established himself as king over the western Saxons .
22 When they had gone , Maisie started to pick at the grass with her fingers .
23 Pat proceeded to polish off the remainder of his breakfast , with grease from the remains of the rabbit trickling down the sides of his mouth .
24 We saw them in Glasgow recently , and were the proudest of grandparents when Ewan consented to come for a walk with the two of us .
25 While Mr. S. went to deal with a request made by Mr. A. , the respondent entered the storeroom and helped himself to a key-cutting machine from stock .
26 Whilst Mr. S. went to deal with a request made by the respondent 's new employer , the respondent entered the storeroom and helped himself to a key cutting machine from stock .
27 Louis Dersingham managed to drive into the city without seeing a single house built after 1860 .
28 22 year old Katherine Monastyrskaya managed to struggle to a road where she was helped to hospital by passers by .
29 Chelsea might have increased their lead 15 minutes later , but Wise elected to shoot across the face of goal rather than pull the ball back to the well-positioned Fleck .
30 Nor was it true , as their accusers impartially suggested , that she or Edward preferred to live in an atmosphere of crisis .
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