Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [det] [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Of the two famous rune stones which stand outside the church at Jelling , the smaller states that " King Gorm made these memorials to Thyre his wife , Denmark 's ornament " ; the larger that " King Harald commanded these memorials made to Gorm his father and Thyre his mother .
2 Years later ( 5 April 1710 , described in a contract of ‘ vente d'heritages ’ ) Jean sold this property to Nicolas ( dit Colin ) Hotteterre .
3 Texas drove some beasts to New Orleans and after 1849 to California , but it was the promise of the great north-eastern market which urged ranchers to explore those long routes which have become part of the heroic romance of the ‘ Wild West ’ , linking the remote south-west with the slowly approaching railheads and through them with the giant transport centre of Chicago , whose stockyards were opened in 1865 .
4 Edward showed this letter to Stanley Baldwin , the Prime Minister .
5 Mr Gorbachev began this week to inch in that direction .
6 Chatterjee told this idea to Bikash Sinha , Director of the Calcutta Cyclotron , during a car ride back from the springs in 1984 .
7 During 1879 and 1880 Alfred Dyer and George Gillet paid several visits to Brussels as representatives of the Society of Friends .
8 Lord Cross paid some attention to matters of policy raised by the case .
9 Throughout his works Charles Dickens made several references to Guinness .
10 Graham gave this reminder to Graham after seeing his £2.5 million striker score in the 1-0 win over Manchester City at Highbury .
11 With due humility , Mozart recorded another debt to Haydn by dedicating to the older composer the six finest of his 23 string quartets .
12 In Brightman v Johnson ( 1985 ) The Times , 17 December an award made in December 1985 , Tudor Price J increased this figure to £95,000 to take account of the circumstances which made the plaintiff 's injuries more serious than the average case of tetraplegia ( see Report in para A2-001 of Vol 2 of Kemp & Kemp ) .
13 ‘ I 'm simply saying that Sarella disclaimed all rights to Uncle 's bequest before becoming engaged to me .
14 In February 1984 the strange , black snow that fell on the Scottish Cairngorms bore more resemblance to vinegar than frozen water .
15 Selborne repeated this view to Churchill [ KP 3 ] , who asked the Foreign Secretary for his comments [ KP 5 ] .
16 Boswell and Johnson took this road to Cruden Bay , in order to fulfil an invitation put in train by a lady they had met at worship in Aberdeen on Sunday morning .
17 Miller concluded this letter to Alston with a note on his own intentions — to add figures to supplement the Dictionary — ‘ my scheme is to give the characters of each Genus after the manner of Tournefort , which are all drawn from the growing plants and then to add , one , two , or more plants of the most beautiful , useful or rare species of each Genus . ’
18 Over the next two and a half years , PW made several reports to supervisors , including the Bank of England , detailing increasing concern about BCCI .
19 Beaverbrook reiterated this position to Berle when the two met on 21 July .
20 Jones showed these data to Fleischmann and Pons on 23 February .
21 His admonition was unnecessary , for Robbie chose that moment to black out , and the next thing she knew she was lying face down on the canal bank , with Fen applying rough but effective resuscitation techniques .
22 As I write , I can think of a couple of billboard posters that make no attempt to conceal their debt to the Belgian fantasist : a Silk Cut advertisement , which discards the regular purple silk motif in favour of a neutral cream back ground on which are set the letters P U R P L and E , snipped from some newspaper 's headlines as if by a poison pen writer ; and another whose legend , ‘ I did n't know that Air France had more flights to Paris than any other airline company ’ , is illustrated by the portrait of a man whose face is obscured by a fried egg .
23 Though he had been a psychiatric nurse Bob attached more value to medication and group therapy than to dream interpretation .
24 Mawson made several trips to America and Canada , where he was involved in major town-planning schemes in Ottawa , Vancouver , Calgary , and Regina .
25 EURO Disney collapsed another 58p to 755p as the City gave further thought to last week 's poor results .
26 But it meant that Swindon had more room to manoevre and Maskells determination in front of goal brought them back level .
27 Legrand denied any credibility to allegations of dividends paid to the PS by Luchaire .
28 Fish : The EC sought some access to EFTA country territorial waters , Spain having originally proposed a 90,000 tonne annual cod catch quota .
29 This latter point was of considerable importance as Brown restricted all donations to $100 or less , as a means of underlining his campaign 's opposition to conventional US " money politics " .
30 SW Wood weakened another 8p to 49p as news of management resignations followed the losses announced on Tuesday .
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