Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [pron] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In war , more common as the Dukes of Normandy used their English kingship to press their rather doubtful claims to the French throne , Sussex found itself in the front line , convenient both for intended invasions and retaliatory expeditions by licensed French pirates .
2 When the hamlets were first included in the development area for the new city of Milton keynes in the 1960s , people of Calverton fought it in the High Court and won .
3 Woolley met her in a Belgian hospital in the summer of 1916 , after he had broken both ankles in a forced landing .
4 Since the literary works to which Ken devoted himself in the long years which followed his brief episcopate were largely unremarkable and unread , the waste of his inspired and inspiring vocation as a bishop has appeared both to contemporary and subsequent critics exasperating ; for his scruples about swearing the oath of allegiance to William and Mary were so nearly overcome by his friends that he asked them not to continue their arguments lest he succumb .
5 So Dustin found himself in the odd position of acting in English , while all around him the cast spoke Italian .
6 In response to some implied criticism I made of his treatment of the sub-editor , Porua regarded me in a sneering silence and then said , ‘ Why should I have regard for my fellows ?
7 Late that evening , Corbett was found by a servant sent by Selkirk , who announced in broad Scots that the knight would be grateful if Corbett joined him in the outer bailey near the main gate .
8 Donna saw it in the rear-view mirror , convinced and elated that she 'd done it crippling damage .
9 Alexandra surveyed herself in the long glass on the wall .
10 Florrie told her in no uncertain terms that she would have to get used to it .
11 It must have taken a while from Taunton , Charles thought , as Frances drove them in the yellow Renault 5 along the route Lesley-Jane had described .
12 Cornelius seated himself in an exquisite chair before a mahogany partners ' desk .
13 Shortly after his arrival in England , Wordsworth found himself in an impossible moral position .
14 Benny found herself in a rock-walled tunnel , with bare bulbs hanging from the ceiling at regular intervals .
15 Cornelius found himself in the uncluttered office of Mister Arthur Kobold .
16 ‘ I 'm normal now , ’ Maggie assured him in a fuzzy voice as he helped her to the bed and lifted her on to it .
17 ‘ You 've changed since last night , ’ Ruth told him in a soft murmur .
18 His grandson Robert succeeded him in a bare inheritance , due to provisions made in lands and goods for the children of the third marriage .
19 Ramsay ensconced himself in the upper storey of the mill building , where he could gain as wide a view as possible .
20 ‘ And there you are wrong , ’ Alain assured her in an amused voice .
21 Wycliffe lazed in his chair , while Helen lost herself in the zany twilight world of Iris Murdoch .
22 The borough of Bandon was reputed to have the most sectarian electorate in county Cork and , in 1835 , Jackson contested it in the Conservative interest .
23 Stephen had them in the handsome , leather-bound edition of the International Collectors ' Library and also in the paperbacks that had come out to go with the television series .
24 Penry held her in a loose , impersonal embrace as her tears fell thick and fast , bitter and scalding enough to cauterise the wound in her memory .
25 The meeting was held as advertised and Kinloch addressed it in a wordy speech in which , after pleading with his audience to keep the peace , he criticized the government for excessive taxation , and declaimed : ‘ In short , the whole of our misfortune as a nation , the whole of our misery , the whole of our distress , can be clearly traced to the circumstances of the people being deprived of their share of the British Constitution by not having a voice in the election of persons to represent them in the House of Commons . ’
26 Rose asked her in a low voice .
27 A FAMILY hooked on the ‘ whodunnit ’ board-game Cluedo found themselves in a real-life murder mystery yesterday … after stumbling across a skeleton .
28 Harry received him in the large parlour , against whose windows a summer gale was hurling heavy drops of rain .
29 ‘ Yes , Nana , ’ Martha assured her in a distracted tone .
30 He died in May and the Seales buried him in a shallow grave in a park .
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