Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [verb] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So , as they had done with the relations of production , Marx and Engels tried to show that this state of affairs was not inevitable , but the product of a specific historical development .
2 The EPA had ruled that any plant operator wishing to do so must first notify the public , allowing them an opportunity to challenge the change .
3 As early as 1928 , Mary Parker Follett had suggested that different work situations called for different types of leadership .
4 On June 1 Justice Minister Aleksander Bentkowski had announced that further interviews would be held with security agents Adam Pietruszka and Grzegorz Piotrowksi convicted for the murder in 1984 of Father Jerzy Popieluszko [ see pp. 33292-93 ; 33874-75 ; 34688 ] .
5 Reynolds seemed to realise that such objections could go on for ever , so he said , ‘ Yes .
6 Cornelius had noted that famous men and women generally claimed to have fallen into their famous careers through sheer chance .
7 Since Hitler 's accession to the German chancellorship in January 1933 , Stalin had concluded that international fascism , which hitherto he had interpreted as the herald of capitalist collapse , posed a threat after all , not only to the left within European countries but also to the survival of the Soviet Union itself .
8 This compromise — the ANC had demanded that all hostels be subject to restrictions — appeared to be the result of intervention by Judge Goldstone .
9 Many others before Darwin had suggested that all life on earth was interrelated .
10 Wickham had remarked that covert freelance writing for another publication did not justify making a misleading statement during a murder inquiry .
11 Reports in early February had suggested that extensive bombing by allied forces had " totally destroyed " electric and telecommunications facilities in Baghdad .
12 Germany was constitutionally permitted only to send troops in defence of NATO territory , although following the December 1990 all-German election Chancellor Helmut Kohl had conceded that this rule would have to be changed .
13 In his theory of general relativity Einstein had showed that gravitational fields made clocks run slow , an effect called the gravitational red-shift .
14 Lévi-Strauss sought to demonstrate that similar oppositions operate in kinship and mythic systems enabling him to compare apparently unlike kinship systems and myths from different cultures and show the structural continuity of mythemes , and kin relationships , across what are , at first sight , very different cultures .
15 It was a scene of desperation , but Dahrendorf seemed to feel that this kind of community DIY activity could be a part of the answer to the problem of a permanent and growing rate of unemployment .
16 By April 1949 , when NATO was formed , Bevin had decided that British security was best founded , not on co-operation with the weak and irresolute Europeans , but on the ‘ special relationship ’ with America .
17 Long ago , Miranda had realized that sexual involvement with Adam could only complicate her life , but she had been only half awake and off guard when he made his move .
18 Because of his Cartesianism , Malebranche could not go so far as to say that material objects were not really extended or in motion , but Pierre Bayle had argued that such restraint was unjustifiable .
19 Rühe had argued that new leaders were needed who would mark a clear break with the past and would show full commitment to reform .
20 After a time Boldwood started to hope that one day , if Bathsheba remarried at all , she would marry him .
21 By hybridizing different varieties of peas , Mendel had shown that some characters are inherited as units on an ‘ all or nothing ’ basis — they did not blend together as Darwin and almost everyone else assumed .
22 Reagan continued to assert that direct action was the only way to deal with terrorist countries like Libya and Iran and that he would not countenance any other approach .
23 That gave me an extra day off , since Jack had decided that one practice round was enough for him .
24 However , Mr Waldegrave did concede that many abuses were ending , and the human rights provisions of the Helsinki agreement had become a useful yardstick to measure Soviet behaviour .
25 Until very recently , Peter had assumed that all adults — and in particular his father — were invulnerable , almost by definition .
26 Lydia had said that one night 's fast would be preferable to the plight in which they did indeed now find themselves , but Betty regarded the idea of missing a meal as unnatural and Lydia was overruled .
27 Rusche and Kirchheimer attempted to demonstrate that penal practices in any society were directly connected to the mode of production .
28 A mechanic for Britax France refused to believe that British installation charges did not include the cost of the seat as well , ‘ It takes 10 or 15 minutes at the most , ’ he said .
29 Benjamin did establish that all memoranda , letters and documents sent from Westminster were handled by Dacourt , Peckle and Millet , whilst our mysterious young secretary did take the ambassador 's presents down to the Abbe Gerard .
30 At a turn of the clockwork motor of the bulky camera , Leavitt had proclaimed that this submission to the seasons , to the rains , to the predations of lions , to the pasturing of cattle and all the placatory rituals that went with it , was unnecessary .
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