Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A good illustration of this point is provided by a case in which the London Borough of Greenwich sought to challenge by judicial review the distribution by the Government of a leaflet explaining the poll tax : the Borough argued that the leaflet was inaccurate and , therefore , that its distribution was illegal .
2 Afterwards Grayling tried to think of some reason in the environment that might have had something to do with the outburst .
3 Last week Scottish Secretary Ian Lang announced spending on social work projects would be £22.8 million next year , with provisional figures of £23 million for 194–5 and 1995–6 .
4 Nellie seemed to drift through each day starting a lot of things and never finishing them , and doing an awful lot of washing .
5 He paused , strangely shrunken , while Donald repeated his words , to fly round the walls of the castle to the women watching from the cliffs and battlements , and to the window where Hector lay staring into multicoloured darkness , wishing the blade had struck harder .
6 V. P. Singh offered to resign as Prime Minister on July 14 .
7 Singh had served as Prime Minister since early December 1989 .
8 Ewan had heard of some research projects that made him very uncomfortable about these people 's future .
9 Allegations that Kuwait had moved into Iraqi territory were " a falsification of reality and a resumé of inverted truths " because it was Iraq which had a " full history of violations of Kuwaiti territories " .
10 During the war , Aziz claimed , Kuwait had advanced into Iraqi territory and had set up military establishments and oil installations .
11 In a letter to the summit meeting President Gorbachev had asked for immediate support for his economic restructuring programme in the form of credits , technical co-operation , personnel training , joint ventures and joint projects . )
12 ‘ They say if Jean had stayed in that night and washed her hair then she would be alive today . ’
13 According to a report dated May 21 , Bosnia-Hercegovina had suffered by that date material damage estimated at US$60,000 million-100,000 million ; electricity output was down to 17 per cent of normal levels ; and about four-fifths of the republic 's industrial plant had been destroyed .
14 Of course it would turn out that the dead girl was merely someone Jerome Fanshawe had come across that weekend and who had taken his fancy .
15 As for species origins , Lyell had argued against spontaneous generation and against new species arising by the modification ( ‘ transmutation ’ ) of older ones .
16 By the time the fleet of ambulances arrived , Elfman had metamorphosized from popular hero to universal laughing-stock and he never fully recovered from the experience .
17 Chatterton had spoken with genuine admiration .
18 In its evidence to the Ashby Committee , the WEA had asked for more grant-aid to finance ‘ a considerable increase ’ in the number of full-time staff .
19 Dave Wise had moved in next door a month ago .
20 But whatever else was lost , the impetus that Winckelmann had given to Greek scholarship in Germany survived ; and if we wish to understand its subsequent history and the remarkable growth of German classical scholarship as a whole , we should not forget his formative contribution , even though much of the impending development can hardly be traced directly back to him .
21 The 1693 title-page calls attention to ‘ Alterations , Additions , and several new SONGS ’ , which is fair enough : Tonson had gone to some trouble to update it .
22 Despite excellent character-witnesses , among them Elizabeth , who delivered an impassioned plea on her maid 's behalf , Justine stood condemned by one piece of circumstantial evidence : a locket containing a picture of her late mistress had been found in her belongings — a locket which the child William had been wearing only the day before the murder .
23 Hector stood poised for another blow , but there was no clue to tell him which way to strike .
24 But David volunteered to serve with Total Tartary .
25 Perhaps appropriately , given the inflammatory nature of the effect Gav and Janice seemed to have on each other 's glands , it was called Red Heat .
26 Just how Marc Jeffrey came to die in this barn at Slade Farm near Stroud , will probably never be know .
27 John Keane opted to convey through ironic allegory the greater message of the human race , of only through waiting , with the army , in the Saudi Arabian desert , or with the RAF in the bar of the five star Sheraton Hotel in Bahrain ; a more telling topic than might be imagined , since alcohol is forbidden in Saudi Arabia .
28 John Keane opted to convey through ironic allegory the greater message of the human race , of only through waiting , with the army , in the Saudi Arabian desert , or with the RAF in the bar of the five star Sheraton Hotel in Bahrain ; a more telling topic than might be imagined , since alcohol is forbidden in Saudi Arabia .
29 Katherine felt pinioned by that look , unable to break through the invisible circle it created around them .
30 Azerbaijan , Armenia , Byelarus , Moldova and Ukraine had applied for similar status .
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