Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] [vb past] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As they rounded the bend towards Westminster , Ranulf nudged Corbett and pointed to the near bank .
2 They were already in sight when Thorfinn with Tuathal behind him rounded Moncrieffe Hill and dashed into the flat plain of Rhind , where the Earn joined the Tay .
3 While the Society of Women Market Vendors exposed the corruption of the PDC and objected to the high tariffs in the new markets , it was not sufficiently organized to form a counter-proposal or take action upon it .
4 In the end the plan was repudiated by Mr Gorbachev and rejected by the Soviet parliament .
5 In Structuralist Poetics Culler took an unenthusiastic view of deconstructionism , but he shortly returned to the United States and succumbed to the deconstructive wave that swept through the American academy in the late seventies , and into which I did not feel inclined to plunge .
6 In 1878 he arrived in the United States and studied for the Unitarian ministry at Meadville Theological School in Pennsylvania .
7 When I last saw Mailer and talked about the impending book , the atmospherics had turned suddenly propitious .
8 It was night when he turned down the A1120 , drove through Yoxford and continued along the winding country road .
9 Atwater , born in Atlanta , Georgia , became involved in Republican politics while a student at the University of South Carolina and worked in the successful 1980 and 1984 presidential campaigns of Ronald Reagan .
10 General strikes in the public and private sectors in protest at sharp increases in food and utilities prices , low wages and a decision to dismiss 7,000 public employees by the end of the year took place in April , July , October and December and continued into the new year .
11 They went to Chester and wandered round the medieval Rows , then took a rowing boat on the River Dee .
12 Will my right hon. Friend find time today to tell the House of the decision made yesterday to restore to Latvia , Lithuania and Estonia the gold deposited for safe keeping in the Bank of England but misappropriated by the then Labour Government with the support in the Division Lobby of the leader and Chief Whip of the Liberal party at that time ?
13 Messrs Hoult and Cowan also went through the report with Mr Barnes but concentrated on the financial crisis , rather than mentioning fraud and malpractice , a decision which Bingham finds ‘ surprising and unfortunate ’ .
14 SAM Torrance finished three shots ahead of his nearest challenger after the third round of the Kronenbourg Open at Salo but came off the last green a disappointed man .
15 The case concerned the wife of a civil servant who worked in Northern Ireland but lived in the Irish Republic .
16 During her researches she went to Lord 's to examine the immense collection which belongs to the MCC and went into the Long Room .
17 The only break in his time at the store , also known as the Man 's Shop , came during the Second World War when he joined the RAF and served in the Middle East .
18 Mr Jumblatt 's forces , together with the Syrians , were in the front line of the confrontation with Christian forces — General Aoun 's ‘ war of liberation ’ - which began in March and lasted until the Arab League-sponsored ceasefire last month .
19 Tom handed the reins to Carrie and leaped from the light cart , heading for a nearby cottage .
20 They hurried through the long arch , dodging between the workers who were making their way to London Bridge Station , and then quickly crossed St Thomas 's Street and hurried through the high , wide gates of Guy 's Hospital .
21 She opened the door for Matthew and looked across the grey yard .
22 He thought of little Rosamund and went to the high altar where the great missal lay .
23 With a feeling of having been unexpectedly let out of school , I drove over the hills on the road to Reading and coasted along the unfenced part of the Quillersedge Estate until I thought I 'd come more or less to where Gareth had dropped the paint : parked off the road there and searched more closely for the place on foot .
24 The association was chaired by John Hume and drew on the self-help traditions of the credit unions .
25 We crossed one of the five big bridges built over the Seine and passed under the brooding mass of Notre Dame .
26 He was admitted to hospital in Redhill , Surrey on Monday and died in the early hours yesterday from heart failure .
27 They found Faltour 's Lane and turned into the dirty refuse-filled alleyway , the daylight almost blocked out by the overhanging gables of the houses which reared up on either side .
28 Only the wind made a sound as it streamed along the sides of the Rover and poured through the open windows .
29 Delegations from Algeria and Yemen travelled to Moscow but withdrew at the last moment in solidarity with the Palestinian delegation .
30 I had warned my men overnight to be prepared for an early start , and a little before sunrise , leaving them to pack up and follow me , I said good-bye to my friends at Dalkania and started on the two-mile climb to the forest road on the ridge above … .
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