Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] [adv] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In two days at Snetterton , first in the company of Benetton 's Formula One driver Martin Brundle and then at the wheel of the Snetterton school 's racing cars , I found that the limits of my own prudence , dependability and , even , sanity were disturbingly slim .
2 The first of what promised to be a long series of show trials of former senior officials of the ousted Ceausescu regime ended on Feb. 2 when a military tribunal in Bucharest found Emil Bobu , Manea Manescu , Ion Dinca and Tudor Postelnicu guilty of " co-authorship of genocide " in connection with the killing of demonstrators in Timisoara , Bucharest and elsewhere at the start of the December 1989 revolution [ see pp. 37104-05 ] .
3 The exhibition is in Münster until 31 May and subsequently at the Wilhelm-Lehmbruck Museum in Duisburg ( 28 June to 9 August ) and Mannheim .
4 Looking at their names , I wondered about their nationality , and the booklets tells us that they are in fact ‘ of mixed Turkish/Spanish parentage ’ and that from the age of about ten their training was as the Paris Conservatoire , the Frankfurt Musikhochschule , under Rudolf Serkin at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia and finally at the Juilliard School , New York .
5 If the deposition is to be taken in England ( and there may be cases in which a foreign witness can be available in England but not at the date of the trial ) , the examination will be before a judge , officer or ( usually ) an examiner of the court ; if the deposition is to be taken abroad , alternative ways of proceeding are available .
6 Barr 's European equivalents flourished in the 1950s rather than the 1930s — Jean Cassou at the Musée d'Art Moderne in Paris , Wilhelm Sandberg at the Stedlijk in Amsterdam , Pontus Hulten at the Modern Museum in Stockholm and then at the Pompidou Centre in Paris .
7 I showed paintings in many south coast towns and in the early 19802 began to show in London , first at the Patrick Searle Gallery in Motcomb Street and then at the Mercury Gallery , my present dealers .
8 Encouraged both financially and materially by the Bank , the partners , in great secrecy , first at Croydon and then at the Bank itself , between 1818 and 1821 produced banknotes by offset .
9 I trained as a physicist and spent many years in laser research , first in Canada and then at the NPL in Teddington .
10 Upon the latter 's death , he was educated at a hearing school in Clapham and thence at the Marlborough School of Art .
11 Other American relatives came in August and then at the beginning of September he went to Switzerland again .
12 Over the next 12 years or so , he fulfilled several senior production management appointments within the Group — as works manager at Mason 's Ironstone , general manager of the Jasper department and later of the decorating department at Barlaston , production director at Coalport and later at the Eagle factory — before being appointed to his present role as Barlaston production director three years ago .
13 After the cruise , you will fly from Aswan to Cairo and overnight at the Cairo Marriott , flying back to London the following day .
14 There are some lengths of original bridge rail , ‘ Tiny ’ , a works locomotive found at Newton Abbott and now at the Dart Valley Railway , and the two locomotives discovered by Colin Garratt in the Azores .
15 The GM looked stonily at Laing and then at the evidence fresh in from Riyadh .
16 Examples of such additional directions are for amendment of pleadings , further and better particulars , discovery by a defendant excused from this step under Ord 25 , r8 , more medical or other experts than Ord 25 , r8 allows , trial out of London or not at the trial centre for the District Registry in which the action is proceeding .
17 This told how the poet , having taken opium , dreamt backwards through time to seek his love in a ballroom , on his way to a medieval scaffold , at a well in ancient Greece and finally at a Witches ’ Sabbath , where her kiss ended in death ( see page 56 ) .
18 ‘ The Written Word is the product of some eight years of experimentation and practical use , first at the University of Edinburgh and later at the University of Quebec .
19 From time to time the press throws mud ( not literally but in its columns ) at Princess Margaret , Princess Michael of Kent and latterly at the Duchess of York .
20 Ron Roddan has been coaching at his club , Thames Valley Harriers , for twenty-nine years , first at the Alperton track in north-west London and later at the West London Stadium .
21 He was then sent out to work , first at a toy factory in the East End of London and then at an estate agents .
22 ‘ That week orchestras around the world programmed the Adagietto as an elegy to Lenny 's memory , ’ Kaplan recalls , ‘ and while the precedent had been set by Bernstein himself [ he had conducted the movement at a memorial service for Koussevitzky and later at the funeral of US Senator Robert Kennedy ] , I was afraid that these ultra-slow , sad performances were helping to a trend into a false tradition . ’
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