Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] [prep] [art] [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Either in March or in the second budget which is due in December this year tax increases of some kind therefore seem inevitable .
2 Either in March or in the second budget , which is due in December , tax increases of some kind therefore seem inevitable .
3 His success at Brisbane and in the fifth Test , followed by a century for Victoria against the Englishmen , sealed his reputation .
4 In 1866 Stirling succeeded Archibald Sturrock as locomotive superintendent of the Great Northern Railway at Doncaster and in the next year his 0–4–2 type mixed-traffic locomotive was first introduced , with construction continuing over the next twenty-eight years , as well as the 2–4–0 type for passenger service .
5 The French influence here was even greater than in Spain and in the eleventh century the northern region had broken free to become a satellite of Burgundy , though later it became independent .
6 Over the centuries the border has moved more than a little — for instance in 1917 , Alsace was part of Germany and during the last war it was again occupied by the Germans .
7 In 1981 and 1982 the group had visited the test site with their ship the Vega and on the last occasion had been attacked and arrested by the French Navy as they attempted to enter the 12-mile territorial limit .
8 The convoy was halted for a time by protesters at Dalreoch , on the Dumbarton-Helensburgh road , again at Helensburgh and on the third occasion at the protest camp at the gates to the base .
9 I invite er Mr and his supporters to get out of the age of Dickens and into the twentieth century .
10 They left Kabrit on 20 November and for the first stage of the journey were able to bowl down the coast road as far as Agedabia , by then firmly in British hands .
11 He made no announcement until 19 October , and perhaps did not even close his own mind until no more than a week earlier , but on 3 October , the same day that the Italian attack was eventually launched , he went to Bournemouth and for the first time in seven years addressed the Conservative Party Conference .
12 In fact and in fiction , not only in the Regency but in the eighteenth century as well , the upper classes seem rarely to have ventured beneath an impoverished roof , much less imagined what it would be like to live beneath one .
13 Having failed to consult the residents about their future , the report argued , the UK had a moral obligation to guarantee them the right of abode in the UK or in a third country .
14 Originally , the Romans had a complicated system of dividing the month , with Calends ( from which our word ‘ calendar ’ is derived ) on the first , Ides on the fifteenth of March , May , July , and October and on the thirteenth day of the other months , and Nones occurring eight days before the Ides .
15 The appeal committee refer especially to the personal difficulties urged by Mr. Choudhury and in the last sentence state expressly that they had balanced such personal hardships against the prejudice to efficient education mentioned in section 6(3) ( a ) .
16 It reminded her painfully of Jordan and for the first time she thought about how she was never going to touch him again .
17 He met the descendants of Lascar seamen or other immigrants who settled into Liverpool and for the first time saw the need for justice to an immigrant community .
18 A hunting song of the 18th century titled " The Lulling-stone Hunt " tells of the hunt chasing a fox through Halling and in the ninth verse we read ;
19 On both his visits to Jerusalem and on the first visit to Amman Baker also met with Palestinian representatives , and he held talks with the main Palestinian pre-conference negotiators , Hanan Ashrawi , Faisal al-Husseini , Zakaria al-Agha and Sari Nusseibah , in Washington on Oct. 10-11 .
20 The experience shattered Derek and for the first time he told his wife and parents the story of his harassments from the first meeting with the drug detective .
21 in the premier league Swindon Town won their second point of the season at West Ham and in the third division there was a one-all draw for Hereford against Northampton at Edgar Street
22 The second norwegian half was bloody excellent from Norway and for the first time a norwegian team wins a away in eastern Europe .
23 Honours even might have satisfied the neutrals , but after last Monday 's Merseyside derby defeat , nothing less than victory would do for Souness and in the 84th minute it came .
24 Shortly after dawn a party of Germans entered a railway carriage at Compiègne and by the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month , the Armistice was signed and the war was over .
25 Since Roberts was not mentioned in Spratt or in the next case , Parmenter [ 1991 ] 2 WLR 408 , those cases are per incuriam .
26 The leading element in this upheaval was the student movement , and although students became independently active in political life all over the world — in Eastern Europe and in the Third World just as much as in the West — the principal expression of a distinctive radical doctrine and mode of political action , which became to a large extent a model for the whole international movement , was to be found in the US , in the Students for a Democratic Society ( SDS ) .
27 He derided those who thought it was ‘ all right to stay in opposition so long as your socialist heart is pure ’ , and argued it was not they who suffered , but the poor in Britain and in the third world : ‘ We are not just a debating society .
28 His first seventeen designs carried the AIR– designation but in 1937 the eighteenth became the Ya–18 and during the Second World War the now well known Yak-prefix came into being .
29 Distribution of labelled cells within crypts was similar with respect to the two methods with a peak at the 18th and the 24th percentile in the case of BrdU and at the 23rd percentile for PCNA .
30 The play features actors Catherine Aran , Maldwyn John , Merfyn Jones and for the first time with Bara Caws , Manon Prysor .
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