Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] [verb] [pron] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're the fourteenth person who 's worked out I 'm staying with Lucy and phoned me up with crazy stories about Liam .
2 We have teamed up with Phonogram records to fly you and a guest to the States and put you up in a swanky hotel for a week 's luxury holiday .
3 ‘ Wheel on Jeremy Beadle and get it over with . ’
4 Hearts chairman , Wallace Mercer has abandoned his proposal to buy the club 's ground at Tynecastle and lease it back to the club .
5 In the early hours of 9th January , 1969 , Vigilant sighted the suspect vessel entering the River Swale near the Isle of Sheppey and followed her in at a safe distance .
6 She forgot that she had decided that she did not love Johnny and wanted him out of her life .
7 If you have been nominated to respond to an SPR , this option enables you to accept responsibility for the SPR or to pass it on to another user .
8 So Gough , who had a brilliant European Championship , has to sit on the bench with Roxburgh and sweat it out against Portugal in a match the Scots have to win .
9 Will you go to Moness and see the Logans and sound them out about hiding ?
10 Zamaron bought the paintings of both Modigliani and Utrillo and let them out after a sobering night in the cells .
11 She took the frog from Maud and held it up near her face .
12 In 1686 the English envoy to the States General , Bevil Skelton [ q.v. ] , and some of James II 's army officers attempted to kidnap Peyton and bring him back to England , but failed , and the affair caused a diplomatic incident .
13 Immediately , Vesna Jurkic Girardi , Director of the Archaeological Museum in Pula ( today Croatian Minister of Culture ) got the case moving by bringing charges against an unknown person who had excavated archaeological treasure in the region of Barbariga in Istria and smuggled it out of the country .
14 She saw the woman summon a footman and point at her , and the footman duly arrived to collect Artemis and take her over to her father and his friend .
15 Until I can persuade her to unbind me — or make contact with Mephistco and convince someone back at base to forgive me my trespasses just long enough to do an override — I am confined inside the plane of reflected light .
16 She certainly would n't say boo to Rodney but get her out from under his shadow and she 's got plenty of … character . ’
17 He took a wagonload of the spoiled crop to San Francisco and passed it off as a Peruvian delicacy .
18 A child was writing a poem in Bengali and passing it on to another boy to translate for him .
19 We flew to the coast at Clacton and followed it along to Felixstowe .
20 If you do not want to lose the patterns currently in the knitting machine , you can upload them to DesignaKnit and save them on to disk , ready to be downloaded back to the knitting machine when required .
21 Atkinson said : ‘ We tried to forget about what happened at Coventry and put it out of our minds as quickly as we could .
22 When she was thrown out of her digs he found her a room in Randolph Crescent and to get her on to her feet again paid her rent for a month .
23 A French galley will pick her up off the coast of the Forth and take her out to the sea where other ships are waiting to escort her back to France .
24 Our holidays depart from six regional airports — Heathrow , Gatwick , Birmingham , Glasgow , Manchester and Bristol and set you down in one of 16 Italian airports .
25 I 'll come down to Richmond and take you out for dinner , how does that sound ?
26 We 'll bring it up at the staff meeting on Monday and take it on from there .
27 A postman on his morning delivery round found the empty bag on a footpath alongside the railway line between Arbour Lane and Stump Lane and handed it in to police .
28 A Rhodian , Menodotus , collaborated with another Rhodian to forge a bronze statue of Apollo and pass it off as a work of the early fifth century BC .
29 Get hold of Topper and send him round to Rhoda Brocklebank .
30 He 'd kill Barak and set you up as the fall guy — I believe that 's the term you Americans use .
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