Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] [verb] [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Admittedly the referee was a foolish fellow who kept re-penalising Swansea for failing to retreat 10 yards when he did not give them the remotest chance to do so .
2 Basingstoke , top of Courage Four South , have been banned from all rugby for two weeks by Hampshire after having had five players sent off this season .
3 Difficulty arose when Pecham in attempting to enforce reforming measures required sheriffs and others to act against the king 's own servants and clerks , but it should be remembered that , overwhelmingly , cooperation characterized this procedure in Edward 's reign .
4 And we should not forget that ham-fisted European diplomacy contributed to the re-balkanisation of the Balkans by hastening to recognise unrecognisable states .
5 We 'd been moaning to Malcolm about wanting to play some gigs .
6 In a report published on Nov. 21 the international human rights organization Amnesty International accused President Fujimori of failing to keep electoral promises to respect and promote human rights .
7 LASMO has relinquished its 25 per cent interest in the offshore licence in the Gulf of Tonkin after failing to find commercial reserves .
8 They did , however , turn towards Umm Qasr , up the Khor Abdallah , but were brought to a halt in circumstances which are still unclear , Tehran accusing Baghdad of having used chemical weapons .
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