Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun sg] [verb] [adv] the same " in BNC.

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1 One is to include corporate dummy variable of the intercept and see whether it 's T ratio or significantly different , is , sorry it 's greater than two right or we can use an F test , right , now that F test that 's given me that formula in the middle of the page is a very important test which was developed by a chap called Chow and as a result it become known as the Chow test and it 's a , it 's a test for parameter constancy , er do we have constant parameters in our model now it tells you how to compute this Chow test , in this particular case we 're only dummying the intercept , the Chow test gives exactly the same results of T tests , right , erm we wo n't bother going through it , if you want to go through this er sheet in your own time calculate that , that Chow test and essentially what it involves is splitting with the s the whole sample now into two sub-samples , right , the first sub-sample , right , is peacetime , the second sub-sample wartime , right , and you just compare the residual sum of the squares on the unaccounted for variation , right , between actual and fitted values , just compare the residual sum of squares between these two sub periods , right and if you use the formula that 's given there that will come out with exactly the same result , well in actual fact you can square , if you square the F statistic you get calculating one formula you will get T value , got from er the computer right , the er , the sheet goes on to say how we can er use dummy variables in slightly more complicated ways , right , we could see actually see whether the income or price elasticities of demand changed .
2 AN ELDERLY woman found semi-conscious on the floor of her Essex home died later the same day of hypothermia , an inquest heard yesterday .
3 The EC Commission said much the same in its submission to the Energy Committee : ‘ At the present time the FBR is the only reactor type which could , if introduced early enough , extend the lifetime of our uranium resources to the end of the next century — and beyond . ’
4 For example , the new Citroen Xantia diesel costs exactly the same as the 1.6-litre petrol version .
5 ‘ The one at Porton Down has just the same safety device .
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