Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Foreign Minister Geza Jeszenszky said on Oct. 11 that around 50,000 foreigners were illegally resident in Hungary or were engaged in black market activities .
2 The Pascal Gabriel-produced single , ‘ Two Worlds Collide ’ , was mixed by Mike Pickering and is issued through Mute on May 18 .
3 A special freephone advice line was opened up last Tuesday and was swamped by hundreds of callers .
4 Nakasone declared himself " purified " by his re-election , although the faction which he had founded in 1965 lost more heavily than any other within the LDP and was reduced in relative importance from second place to fourth , behind those led by Takeshita , Miyazawa and Abe .
5 For once this handicap was counterbalanced as Troy Thomsett , Southwood 's prolific goal scorer , has contracted to Camberley and is bound by similar restraints .
6 Early potatoes are planted in February and are harvested in late May and June .
7 In 1861 Howell returned to England and was replaced by two recruits from Edinburgh .
8 Since the Minister is so concerned about the gold belonging to the Baltic states , will he see justice done for the poorest country in Europe , Albania , whose gold is in the Bank of England and was stolen from that country four decades ago ?
9 The flight began in July but was delayed for two weeks until early August following initial problems with take-off at high altitudes .
10 It was put on display last night in the northern Belgian town of Onkerzele and was rolled with 9,300 tobacco leaves and took 334 hours to make .
11 The first letter , from the Jews of Judaea to the Jews of Egypt , commends the celebration of the Feast of the Purification of the Temple and is dated in 124 B.C. The second letter , from Judas Maccabaeus and the people of Jerusalem to Aristobulus , " teacher of King Ptolemy ( Philometor ) " , is apparently dated in 164 B.C. : it tells the story of the end of Antiochus IV and the institution of the Feast of the Purification of the Temple .
12 King made the rest of his team play for Aldridge and was rewarded with 40 goals last season , and probably the same this time .
13 On June 7 , Camilla accepted an invitation to watch the polo at Windsor and was taken to one side by the Queen .
14 A second son , Richard , disinherited by Sir Paul because of his involvement in escapades considered discreditable to the family , subsequently became sheriff of Northumberland and was knighted in 1686 .
15 In our experience , CBD stricture is seen at ERCP in 30% of patients with severe CP and is associated with persistent cholestasis , jaundice , or cholangitis in 9% .
16 The estate was sold a long time ago to the Dukes of Devonshire and was tenanted at one time by the Reverend Thomas Fosbroke , the celebrated antiquary .
17 Wirral Council achieved an 89.1pc poll tax collection by the end of March and was listed as 22nd out of 36 metropolitan authorities .
18 At last week 's Orbit trade show in Switzerland , Pinnacle was showing off the first in what will be a family of Mbus PDS-3 systems that 'll house Hypersparc and be followed by PDS-10 , Sparcstation 10-compatibles next year .
19 The nursery is situated at 79 and 81 Dalkeith Road and is registered for 18 children aged from 6 weeks to 2 years and for 30 children aged from 2 to 5 years old .
20 Celetná Street is one of the most attractive in Prague and is flanked by important buildings .
21 In the United Kingdom I.B.C. 's sales operations were based in Newbury and were controlled by one of the directors , Mr. Stuart Thornhill .
22 Rob 's group had to walk the long way round into the Jabri Nullah and was rewarded by several days of good skiing .
23 Over the past nine days the convoy had made repeated attempts to reach Srebrenica but was blocked by Bosnian Serb authorities in spite of reports that up to 40 people a day were dying in the town .
24 This time Turenne forced him to battle at Sasbach but was struck by one of the first shots fired .
25 Only where industries used coal directly , like the forges of Sheffield , were towns yet blackened and the air poisoned ; and only where they produced ‘ waste ’ in great quantities , such as in coal-mining , glassworks and chemicals , was the landscape beginning to acquire that sterile covering of ‘ tips ’ , that were destined to go on piling up until they produced a mountain landscape in miniature ; until the vast range of coal-tips around the old town of Wigan , for example , could be sardonically nicknamed the Wigan Alps and be illustrated in later years under that name on picture postcards .
26 This event was the fourth major Living History Exhibition run by the SWSHAS and was visited by some 300 children and 150 adults .
27 Banks such as 3i , which is the largest venture capital investor in the UK and is owned by six clearing banks and by the Bank of England , raise ‘ independent ’ funds on the market and from their own retained profits .
28 Last nights theft took place when an antiques dealer stopped to change a wheel on his car on the hard shoulder of the M Six near the Keele service station in Staffordshire and was attacked by three men who escaped in a white van .
29 Former Oxton wicket-keeper Rob King misses the game for Hightown and is replaced by ex-captain Norman Gwyther .
30 William Gilkison is remembered still in the history of Ontario and is listed as one of the founding fathers of the province .
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