Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [pron] [was/were] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Her name was Nellie and she was in the same class as me at school and her family had not long moved into the neighbourhood .
2 When I knew it , in 1941 , I was a newly commissioned , very nervous officer billeted up the road in a cotton-mill-owner 's abandoned mansion on a hillside in a suburb called Ramsbottom ( locally known as Tupsarse because it was at the ‘ end of everything ’ ) .
3 ‘ Luftwaffe pilot , but even he had to do it from Canada into the States before they were in the war . ’
4 The elderly voice , half a challenge and half a tease , came down the telephone to Molly as she was in the middle of giving Jacqueline her supper .
5 There were rumours after he had a stroke last March that he was on the brink of retirement and that he wished to go .
6 The warm reception given to Project 90 , designed by John Heffernan and Ken Greenley , provided positive proof to Ward that he was on the right track in his long-term strategy of building a separate and much stronger image for the Bentley marque .
7 It is generally the present tense which is used when you describe a text , even when you describe it in terms which place it in the past ( e.g. by mentioning the author ) : In Los Gusanos ( 1991 ) John Sayles describes Miami as it was in the early 1980s .
8 We stayed in a cottage on the cliffs , overlooking the harbour , and within moments of arrival , my brother Ian and I were at the end of the pier , fishing .
9 The overnight passage to Aberdeen was wild and stormy and my brother Ian and I were amongst the few passengers on board capable of doing proper justice to the excellent dinner provided .
10 Vic and the crew were on the bank , Matt and I were on the raft with about a dozen Indians paddling and poling .
11 He then sought to reconcile this proposition with the fact that the defendants were also agents for Mr. Brant and it was in the course of that agency , not whilst acting as agents for the plaintiff , that the defendants had learned that Mr. Perot was interested in buying Vertigo .
12 An anniversary meeting in Manchester on 1 August 1854 showed willingness to attend a unity conference in London in November although it was under the aegis of the BFASS .
13 Jasper wondered if the man in uniform had actually seen Chris on the roof of the car , had had a phone call from Kensington High Street that someone was on the roof of a car , or if he knew nothing except what that woman was telling him .
14 In 1983 , the governing Conservative Party in Britain was keen to point out that the rate of increase in unemployment from 1982 to 1983 was higher in the United States , Germany , the Netherlands , and Canada than it was in the United Kingdom ( a 23.1% increase in the United States compared with 11.8% in the United Kingdom ) and that unemployment would be higher in other countries were it not in some cases for conscription and a retirement age for men of 60 .
15 Of course , your coach is Clive Woodward and he was in the grand slam winning side of nineteen eighty was n't he ?
16 And a short time later , Mala and I were in the safe side of our own ship 's airlock , staring at what lay nestled within the opened silicaplast container .
17 Yeah , he killed Romeo because he was in the opposite house , he was an enemy
18 Mrs Tiller presided over the one in Blackpool while he was at the grander one in Addlestone , Surrey , to which , when the Girls were playing in London , he would invite small groups for a short weekend .
19 ‘ Is your sister expecting you at a specific time ? ’ asked Penry when they were on the way to Haverfordwest at last .
20 For example , if at P the parcel had no motion in the east-west direction across the planet 's surface and the planet 's axial rotation is prograde then it will pick up motion across the grid towards the east , and in moving northwards will end up for example at Q. If it were in the southern hemisphere and moved southward it would also pick up an eastwards movement .
21 On the way home , Frank was driving and Harry and I were in the back seat , and Harry put his arm round me .
22 How many slate shippers were there in in PorthMadog when you were in the office , was there another shipper ?
23 Only last year he was the patriot who told his friend George Bush that he was against the Gulf war .
24 I 'd sent Mum to the acupuncturist to try and give her some energy , and Jack and I were in the house when we heard a terrible thud .
25 Don and I were near the top , ’ Steve explains , ‘ but we just saw down in the snow and Don pulled out a bottle of booze .
26 Because Joe and I were in the same position of being scolded by Mrs Joe , we were good friends , and Joe protected me from her anger whenever he could .
27 The report had initially been commissioned by Arthur Greenwood when he was in the War Cabinet : its purpose had been to recommend measures to consolidate existing welfare provisions , which tended to vary from one scheme to another .
28 Previously , the most radical members of the Moldavian Popular Front had been advocating independence from the Soviet Union , but none had wanted to rejoin Romania while it was under the oppressive rule of the Ceausescus .
29 A lady traveller on the Exeter express told John Ruskin that she was in the carriage from which Turner put his head out in a rainstorm to record the scene mentally , and she saw the picture at the Royal Academy the next year , in 1844 .
30 No sooner was it known in France that he was in the Texel , than a courier was dispatched with orders for him to go overland to Paris , where he says he is to have the grant of a fresh commission and a larger squadron , sufficient to make a descent on any part of Great Britain or Ireland …
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