Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [verb] her [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Cleo ran to Lucy and hit her around the knees with the balloon shouting ‘ Doon … doon . ’
2 Mrs Lennox threw an arm around Maggie and drew her into the kitchen .
3 After the meeting a lot of people wanted to talk to Karen and ask her about the last few days .
4 Ruth Michaelis felt betrayed from the time her mother brought her over to England and left her with the Reverend Stead and his family .
5 Flynn , of course , meant that the English government was uncaring and malignant — out to break Ireland and keep her as an inexhaustible well of cheap labour and a fertile nursery for the British army .
6 Then she sought out Matilda and called her into the classroom .
7 Adam grabbed Billie and hid her behind the Audi , glad that he 'd chosen a four-wheel-drive Quattro .
8 The jury at Oxford Crown Court found the married father of two guilty after hearing that he 'd tied the woman 's hands hands behind her back in the city 's New Road and subjected her to a terrifying ordeal , during which she 'd feared for her life .
9 Then , with Falkenhayn invading northern Romania , Mackensen 's reinforced army was free to cross the Danube and assault her from the south .
10 By the time her mother rose in an elegant flourish of Pucci and swept her towards the door in that ostentatiously motherly way she had , Jo was in a sulk as deep as the Pacific Trench .
11 ‘ The others hatched plans for him , like abducting Constanza and hiding her in the depth of Calabria .
12 I spoke to Princesse Mathilde and asked her about the school Violette went to in Switzerland .
13 The Mail senior staff who stuck with her in Hong Kong and whisked her round the world to safe houses ca n't talk ; Pamella ca n't talk ; her lawyer Tim Taylor ca n't talk .
14 Marco grabbed Tabitha and hustled her off the quay .
15 The tutor appeared unsure , but the boy jumped up from his place , rushing to Beth and grabbing her by the hand .
16 On the morning of 9 November , Sydney sighted Emden and pinned her to the shore of Keeling Island , one of the Cocos group , on which a German party had been landed to destroy essential cable and wireless installations connecting Australian , African and Indian telegraph systems .
17 Dr Groome had hooked Susan up to Yggdrasil and floated her in the third tank .
18 She phoned Kate and told her about the funeral and the goat clinic and Kate laughed and said , poor old thing .
19 There was something about Rourke that stirred her in a way no other man had ever done … but , even so , a tiny voice of caution held her back .
20 As she watched she saw Sarah put both arms round Corrie and hug her with a joyful laugh .
21 The young lady who had left had returned , but the manager was pleased with Dinah and kept her in the lead , giving the other girl bit parts , which were resented .
22 The exhibition also represents the first showing of works by Olga Rozanova and reveals her as a very substantial painter who clearly made a crucial contribution to the Russian Avant-garde : the paintings are stunning , both in scale and conception , and the unusual colour contrasts are highly original .
23 Rennie later got out of the car with Marita and took her to a house on London Road in Gloucester where the couple had previously lived together .
24 Her parents then moved to London and admitted her as a free scholar to the sculpture studio in the Royal College of Art , where she stayed for four years and graduated an A.R.C.A.
25 After her marriage Signor Cantoni 's mother had seemed unable to bear a child so she took a large bunch of carnations to the Madonna and asked her for the gift of a baby .
26 Mickey glanced at Margaret and chucked her under the chin .
27 He untied Dobbs and led her into a large dark shed .
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