Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [verb] [pron] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Please do not rely on the fact that you have previously received information about ESPRIT CIME or entered your details on a previous database .
2 My choice in life would be to tour the world on a £10,000 Harley-Davidson or fill my garage with motorcycles .
3 The Prior , no man 's fool , stared hard at Corbett and shook his head in warning .
4 Cos do n't forget there 's people who 's moved from Donny and had their kids in London
5 P. H. One time I came on duty at Rose Hill and left my cape at the bottom of the stairs — on the banister .
6 Probably Tom 's fellow commuters sincerely enjoyed their Sunday morning Martinis , just as they enjoyed shining the tail-fins and chrome of the Plymouth and cutting their grass with power mowers ( power mower sales quadrupled ) .
7 On the day after Aquino 's announcement it was reported that 28 congressmen and 22 governors had broken with the LDP and announced their support for Ramos .
8 And she teased her out and straightened her up a little , and then she went over to the makeup table and tore off a length of the soft toilet roll that she used instead of Kleenex , and then she sat on the floor beside Lucy and put her arm around her shoulders .
9 He delivered a strong attack on Paisley and sent his Minister for Home Affairs to the General Assembly to apologize for the demonstration and to promise that ‘ the Government will take all possible steps to put a recurrence of such indignities to the Head of this great church and his distinguished guests ’ .
10 ‘ The English generals , ’ he replied , ‘ had the body dressed and embalmed after Flodden and sent it south for our King to view . ’
11 By 1894 Glasgow Town Council , the same august body that had fought at Flodden and given its trousers to the Bonnie Prince , changed its name and became ‘ The Corporation of Glasgow ’ .
12 He then decided to ride his winged steed to the top of Mount Olympus and take his place with the throng of gods and goddesses .
13 The others had potential , but I bathed and groomed her as if for Crufts and made my way to the hospital .
14 Tim Rodber had a much better game that at Murrayfield and won his share of the ball at the tail of the line-outs , but it remained an area where Ireland did hold their own through the excellent play of Neil Francis and Brian Robinson .
15 I dare say some of the employers remembered EPL and EPT and reminded their colleagues of them .
16 Instead she glanced across at Hitch and found his gaze on her again .
17 Visits to sports grounds in London and Birmingham had made me realize just how many second generation black kids were following the likes of Hope and Cunningham and channelling their efforts into sport .
18 I translated Schiller 's Don Carlos and revised my version of Heinrich von Kleist 's Prinz von Homburg for Eric Bentley 's anthology of classic German theatre , for which I was paid a pittance .
19 Now , with the proposed acquisition of CGI , IBM is effectively saying that despite its vast army of surplus employees , it ca n't find 4,000 among with the skills , or the ability to acquire the skills to be found in an unexceptional middle-ranking software and computer services company — and the move is hardly a morale-booster for all the people within IBM that ply their trade in software and services .
20 Gascoigne saw MacArthur on 21 May and drew his attention to an article that day in the Nippon Times discussing the dissent within the American government .
21 Du Camp records how they visited Thermopylae and re-read their Plutarch on the battlefield .
22 That year Allen Ginsberg paid his first — and largely unnoticed visit to England and read his poetry in Oxford .
23 He decided to return to England and try his hand at photography , which had long been a hobby of his .
24 He decided to invade England and landed his troops at Hastings on the south coast , and had established a good bridgehead before the news reached Harold and he was able to journey down from Yorkshire .
25 During 1775 he continued prison visiting in England and expanded his enquiries to the continent .
26 Had he come to England and changed his mind about seeing her ?
27 One depicts Mary 's first husband , Francis II , three times rushing to welcome her in heaven , and three times finding that he can only embrace a headless body , so that he curses his people ; whereupon the poet exhorts them to forget their own troubles , and unite to destroy England and send its queen to a dreadful death .
28 Being a 110 per cent cricketer he wanted to leave his problems 5,000 miles away in England and bury his attentions in the game that has won him glory .
29 After returning to England and continuing his education at Bedales , the co-educational boarding school in Hampshire , Richard went to America to read drama at UCLA .
30 Since their arrival at ‘ La Felicità ’ she seemed to have forgotten all the social life she was missing in England and devoted her energies to the narcissistic process of going brown , measuring each day the contrast between her exposed wrist and the satisfying white band left beneath her watch-strap .
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