Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [verb] [adv] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hughie 's hopes were raised last year when it was suggested that a replica of one of Captain Cook 's ships , either Endeavour or Resolution , should be built in Indonesia and brought back to Whitby as a permanent reminder of the feats of the town 's most famous son of the sea .
2 For a Friday and coming up to Christmas .
3 We all loaded into the Volvo and went down to Shellerton Manor where everyone trooped in to see Harry .
4 You can then follow the Southern Upland Way back along the south bank of the Water of Trool and walk on to Minniwick Moss .
5 They they left their own personal belongings and I know from very close friends that those Palestinians who did n't like the invasion they left Kuwait and went back to Jordan , so we hope they come back .
6 The path follows the foreshore around RAF Bawdsey and carries on to Shingle Street for around one mile on the road .
7 The Way then leads to Langstrothdale over to Oughtershaw and carries on to cross a section of the Pennine Way , giving fine views of the Three Peaks en route .
8 There is some superb coastal walking — the Cleveland Way joins the coast at Saltburn and runs down to Filey — which takes in some of the most dramatic cliffs in Britain .
9 I took the mid-afternoon express to Valladolid that goes on to Salamanca .
10 THE two minorities in Spain that matter most to politicians are the Catalans and the Basques .
11 They planned to visit the Rockies and fly on to Vancouver and then down into the States .
12 And as I said he gets blacklisted and he left Derbyshire and come down to Nottingham to work .
13 You see , after Father went she sold the house in Derbyshire and moved down to London to be with me .
14 The Harcourt family is one of the oldest in England and dates back to Normandy .
15 I gave up a promising career in advertising in England and came back to Barbados with him .
16 According to one story he started out as a liveryman in England and ran away to sea after stealing his mistress 's jewels .
17 I mentioned Ben Ami and Um Al-Farajh and referred momentarily to Mrs Zamzam , when suddenly the boy 's face lit up .
18 James got the address out of Ginny and drove up to Plumford yesterday afternoon .
19 I decided to take the boat from Ireland and go up to Scotland .
20 It is also a clear-sighted revision of Clementine , with a sharp politician ( James Stewart ) poaching John Wayne 's credit for ridding the territory of sub-human outlaw Lee Marvin and riding on to success in the 20th Century while Wayne dies broke and drunk .
21 He ignored Devlin and nodded formally to Schellenberg .
22 Only I went to Donald Stewart 's smithy and Mary was there , chatting to her mother , so by the time I had fixed things up with Donald and went along to Grandtully to explain the plan to Alex , Mary had already gone back and told him .
23 This is obviously not new , and is in part an expansion of the teaching of a long line of papal encyclicals on social justice beginning with Leo XIII 's Rerum Novarum and extending up to Pope John 's Mater et Magistra and Pacem in Terris , but there is no possible doubt that the Council , following in this the footsteps of Pope John , gave both a wider range and a new urgency to concerns of this kind as properly constitutive of a very large part of Christian living .
24 It can not be otherwise with the approach of death ; whether we go on pilgrimage with Raleigh or put out to sea with Tennyson , the metaphor of travel is one with which the poets have made us familiar .
25 Gardiner was arrested in Israel and brought back to Britain last year .
26 He spent much of his childhood in China but returned home to school at Marlborough .
27 So when , a few years later , Céline abandoned Adèle and ran away to Italy with a singer , I went to Paris and brought Adèle back to grow up in England . ’
28 This was , and is , one of the largest machine shops in Europe and geared exclusively to aerospace and military manufacture .
29 He imagined himself driving a tearful Anne and Abigail back to Beryl , then finding Adam a good lawyer .
30 ‘ Yes sir , ’ said Anne and moved slowly to Gilbert 's desk .
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