Example sentences of "[noun prp] [pron] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Katherine 's remains were coming on the Saturday and on the Friday I slipped up to the cemetery and saw the grave diggers digging Mary 's grave .
2 One Saturday I went out to the Royal County of Berkshire Polo Club , near Windsor , to watch the Moët et Chandon High Goal Challenge presented by Moët et Chandon in association with Harpers & Queen .
3 Keynes himself pointed out in the General Theory that workers who would nor be prepared to accept money wage cuts may be prepared to accept real wage reductions caused by price inflation .
4 As Gorbachev himself pointed out to the Central Committee , Russian oil and gas provided most of the energy needs of the other republics .
5 ‘ the Kipling who limped out of the wreckage , shrunken and wry though he looks , has in a sense had his development as an artist ’ — Edmund Wilson : The Wound & the Bow
6 When I told Constanza , she who has a memory for these things said , ‘ Good Lord , not M. J. Devaux who came over with the French team after the war ? ’
7 On a Saturday she went up to the attic .
8 Then at Dunkirk we set off on the first 400-mile stage to our overnight stop at Vandanesse .
9 Minutes from the centre of Sant' Agata it looks out at the Bay of Naples and onwards to Mount Vesuvius .
10 Walking in the Ash Grove at L. I look up through the trees .
11 So during my three years at University College Swansea I carried on at the shop in the evenings doing the ordering , and on Saturdays running the general book department and the educational department .
12 Sandison himself set off in the opposite direction , towards his pensione .
13 It also has three good , markedly dissimilar towns in Bayonne , Biarritz and Saint-Jean-de-Luz ; and a little inland , mercifully , a motorway from France into northern Spain which drains off from the coast the nuisance of merely transient cars and people .
14 But it was Woodruffe who came around from the cab .
15 Eva they decked out in the gold trimmings for a General , set on a pink velvet collar with a lace edge .
16 From Ireland he moved on to the Outer Hebrides , which he reached on 30 August , and then to his most northerly landfall , Foula off the Shetlands , on 3 September .
17 It had been Marcus who turned up at the Evans house on Saturday afternoon when Pascoe was there .
18 The newly-appointed C E O , Gary who took over at the end of the year when Gill retired has been very involved in these restructuring efforts and has been working very effectively and is on top of the situation , and although three swallows may not make a summer , I can at least tell you that Camco has traded profitably in each of the first three months of nineteen ninety three and now I 'd like to hand you over to Frank , who will talk about the rest of our business .
19 I told him I knew Ben and when I left Durance I went down to the harbour .
20 From the top of Flinter Gill I looked out to the Howgills and across to where cloud shadows were moving across Dentdale and over Rise Hill .
21 I own a Commodore 64 and this Monday I went down to the shop and bought Renegade III .
22 He could not find any and he realised that it would be the voice of Dame Melba which rang out in the backstreets as he advertised the fact that he had a gramophone for sale .
23 shine On ridden with breathtaking confidence by the young apprentice Kelly Connor who got up in the last stride to — ’
24 Labit and Sebastian Morizot were backing up and , when the sortie was checked , the ball was flipped out to Laurent Arbo who went over in the corner .
25 It was Alistair Bruce who came up with the idea .
26 At Podromanija they met up with the Swedish relief convoy of 10 trucks , 9½ being filled with food and the remainder with medical supplies .
27 At Myitkyina we camped out for the night in a mission schoolroom and early next morning managed to get a lift out to the airstrip two miles away .
28 You should certainly cross the border ( remember the passports ) for a taste of the Vorarlberg , and particularly of Bregenz , squeezed into that tiny corner of Austria which intrudes on to the Bodensee between Switzerland and Germany .
29 One of his killers is the high-minded Virginsky who ‘ will never , never abandon these bright hopes ’ ( my italics ) , and another member of the quintet is Shigalov who pulls out of the affair at the very last moment , not from fear or pity or remorse but because the murder ‘ is in direct contradiction of my programme ’ — of Shigalov 's own brand of revolutionary ideology .
30 It was Shelley who came up with the aggressive sounding Boadicea .
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