Example sentences of "[noun prp] [modal v] not [vb infin] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 According to PC Week , while the Macintosh will use Jot , Newton may not take advantage of the ink standard .
2 Equally , the rules and practices of the SRO should not restrict competition to an extent which is greater than necessary for the protection of investors .
3 Teachers and LEAs could not keep track of this deluge , little of which can now be recalled by practitioners in any detail .
4 The issue , an ongoing source of tension , had been aggravated by remarks in July by Demiral on the eve of the inauguration of the Ataturk dam on July 25 , to the effect that Iraq and Syria could not lay claim to the water Turkey drew from the Euphrates and Tigris rivers .
5 Ceauşescu could not wage war against foreign enemies — his neighbours after all were his fraternal allies — so he could only provide means for his ambitious plans by waging economic war against his own people .
6 It claims it secured a substantial deal for Scotland , one that ensured that Lang will not have patronage over the Scottish allocation of seats on the European Committee of the Regions .
7 But the PNC can not get hold of Suffolk files .
8 This Review was subject to a number of appeals for re-assessment , but the final recommendations , as described in the Times Higher Education Supplement ( Anon 1988 ) were that : Aberdeen should not support research in the earth sciences , ( although lobbying from the petroleum industry and politicians ensured the continuation of its highly successful M Sc courses in petroleum geology ) ; the Geology Department at St Andrews should merge with Geography ; and that Glasgow should incorporate the departments at Dundee , Stirling and Strathclyde .
9 He was such a charismatic man that Ruth could n't take offence at that .
10 Nigel could n't stand poetry of any sort — well , perhaps limericks or his own early efforts .
11 Nature was blooming and burgeoning , but poor Karen could n't get gravid for love or money .
12 He added that Russia could not secure control of the air .
13 On June 20 Russian Vice-President Aleksandr Rutskoi had said that Russia would not allow conflict in the " Dnestr Republic " ( and in South Ossetia in Georgia ) to be resolved by force .
14 Karen would n't commit adultery behind Dennis 's back , but there was nothing that excited her more than doing it under his nose .
15 The opt-outs mean that Denmark will not take part in economic and monetary union , common defence , common citizenship or joint policies on home affairs .
16 THE man accused of attempted murder of Coast to Coast walker Josephine Chandler will not give evidence in his defence .
17 But Maher could not ride Craganour in the Derby as he had been claimed for Lord Rosebery 's Prue , and the favourite was partnered by the American jockey Johnny Reiff .
18 Although the Committee recommended that the BBC should not accept advertising on its television channels on the grounds that it would not be a satisfactory long-term solution to the impending restructuring of broadcasting , it made a number of significant proposals which would have the effect of recreating broadcasting as a market of consumers and producers .
19 It had been announced earlier that Lilley would not take action against the national brewers if they still controlled a few pubs in excess of the number allowed under the Beer Orders legislation .
20 In deference to German wishes , the EC agreed that recognition of Bosnia should not take place from yesterday , April 6 , a date still remembered in the Balkans as the anniversary of the Nazi invasion in 1941 .
21 Marie Grubbe could not take offence at the insults and the brutality to which Søren , her third husband , subjected her when she so thoroughly understood herself and him . …
22 Fitzgerald chief and B&WR Finance Director Peter Fitzgerald said : ‘ BR can not run traffic with less than a full train .
23 For instance , the manual states that ‘ BR can not accept responsibility for inaccuracies or errors contained in the program . ’
24 It was stressed that Colonel Stirling would not take part in these raids owing to the information he possessed .
25 IT IS shameful that some people are saying Britain should not give sanctuary to refugees from the civil war in Yugoslavia .
26 DR MARY Archer ca n't take part in a celebrity sponsored walk today because she 's on holiday .
27 Nabiyev agreed to all the US proposals for weapon control , specifically to restrictions on sales of arms components , and gave assurances that Tajikistan would not sell uranium for the use of weapons production .
28 He saw that Lewis would not re-enter Christianity by a new door but by the old one : at least in the sense that in taking it up again he would also take up again or reawaken the prejudices so sedulously planted in childhood and boyhood .
29 Richardson would n't know cocaine from soap powder . ’
30 In addition , variation in SRS will not reflect variation in LRS ( see Gadgil , 1972 ) if individuals that breed successfully show reduced success in future or are likely to cease breeding or die earlier than less successful breeders .
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