Example sentences of "[noun prp] [modal v] [be] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 BRITISH BUSINESSMAN John Ward may be reimbursed by the Kenyan Government for the £500,000 he says he has spent investigating the murder of his daughter Julie in the Masai Mara reserve five years ago .
2 We hope that this year , whether or not the snow situation improves , the Verbier Ski School will revise their arrangements and meet pupils directly up on the slopes , but if not , then any family going to Verbier should be warned of the timewasting and difficulties which arise if the arrangements are left as they were last year .
3 These conventions establish that the Court 's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson should be followed in the future until the Constitution is amended .
4 In return , she says , the body of Ferdinand Marcos should be let into the Philippines for burial .
5 To the credit of both Hortense and Le Bas , it was agreed that Louis-Napoleon should be enrolled in the High School at Augsburg , a move which it was hoped would not only remove a tendency to idleness and day-dreaming but would also give him a chance to make friends with other boys of his own age .
6 The limited social policy introduced by Mussolini in Italy and Hitler in Germany should be seen within the context of a totalitarian Fascist/Nazi state .
7 With increasing persistence it continued to argue that West Germany should be brought into the western defensive system with its own military forces .
8 One condition is that Mrs Marcos must be charged by the end of this year .
9 Counsel may be briefed with the approval of the Area Director ; assistance may be withdrawn in certain circumstances ; costs may be awarded out of the legal aid fund to an unassisted party ; the statutory charge operates subject to specified exceptions .
10 Ideally the MIS should be operated on the basis of ‘ management by exception ’ , ie it should enable managers to delegate confidently in the sure knowledge that significant variances in actual performance compared with standard performance will be highlighted in timely fashion by the system .
11 Owing to an ‘ indiscretion ’ , Fritzi must be removed from the household immediately .
12 Before the elections Beron had maintained that the MRF should be banned on the basis that it was a militarized organization founded on an ethnic basis ( and therefore not allowed to contest the election ) .
13 DEF must be used at the start of a program line .
14 For their point of view , if Gundovald could be established in the kingship , he would be a new patron .
15 He also believed that greater financial support for the WEA could be obtained from the LEAs in the region .
16 In addition , United States bankers , and beneficiaries of and applicants for the issuance of letters of credit remained concerned that unless the solvency and reliability of the NVOCC could be established by the FMC prior to the issuance of an NVOCC bill , cases of non-existent goods or of unpaid freight or related charges would multiply with the growing number of issuances .
17 There needs , however , to be a significant movement of political will before , in the first instance , OSF could be re-admitted to the fold .
18 TIPSS could be undertaken in the acute situation or soon after haemostatic injection sclerotherapy for the index bleed in patients with a high risk of rebleeding but this requires evaluation in controlled trials .
19 If he surpassed himself with a full-scale mock-up of the ceiling for the Salla Romana with a snake-pit of interwoven flowers and exuberant garlands , he could be sure that a cursory glance by Ceauşescu would be followed by the demand , ‘ More flowers , more gold leaf . ’
20 The result was the great British compromise ; Tawell would be charged with the lesser crime of possessing a forged bond rather than actually forging it .
21 Again it was touch and go whether Dustin would be fired before the first night .
22 Mr Corbett will be cremated to the sounds of You 'll Never Walk Alone at Springwood Crematorium next Monday .
23 Accused number eight , as Mrs Mandela will be known for the duration of the trial , muttered barely inaudible replies to the magistrate who made sure she was following the proceedings .
24 A final damages figure for Eleanor will be agreed within the next 6 to 9 months but , if not , the case will go back to the High Court for the compensation to be decided .
25 It 's likely that an inquest on Susan Hill will be opened by the Gloucester coroner .
26 Fresh from his High Court victory over British Airways in the ‘ dirty tricks ’ affair , Mr Branson will be joined by the transport secretary , John MacGregor , for the opening .
27 The right hon. Member for Blaby will be remembered as the Chancellor who dismissed rising inflation as a temporary blip and who , having put up interest rates to 15 per cent. , none the less assured us that the economy would have , to use his phrase , a soft landing .
28 Pluto and Dido will be closed by the end of March .
29 If everything goes according to plan Constantin will be brought to the NorthEast by Convoy Aid Romania in July .
30 Moves to reopen the access between Milton Street and Dundas Street in Saltburn will be discussed at the next parish council meeting .
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