Example sentences of "[noun prp] [modal v] [adv] be [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Increased development funds from the EEC may also be expected if the proposed IDP is accepted .
2 First , he thought it an unspoken part of the 1931 bargain that MacDonald should not be discarded as soon as the immediate crisis was over .
3 States must also be defined if the model is replacing another model for the same class , type and subtype to define all those states defined by the old model .
4 He [ Chang ] said that the fact Korea found itself on the other side of that line as defined in Acheson 's address , combined with the House action yesterday , appeared to raise the serious question as to whether the United States might now be considered as having abandoned Korea .
5 The steep section on Anerley Hill could not be opened until the company had persuaded sufficient drivers with at least six years ' service to transfer from other undertakings .
6 The most significant change from the Green Paper was that SERPS would not be abolished but scaled down ; the proportion of earnings on which the pension would be based was reduced from 25 to 20 per cent .
7 Richard will not be buried until the mystery of his death has been unravelled .
8 The Cornmill will soon be finished but no crocuses will be there .
9 IF HISTORY is anything to go by , the legal action being brought in Britain by 3,000 patients against Wyeth ( a subsidiary of American Home Products ) and Switzerland 's Hoffmann-La Roche will either be dismissed or settled out of court for a pittance .
10 But a colleague said : ‘ Officially , David wo n't be cleared until he and the British Consul meet Saudi officials in the next 24 hours .
11 However , the theory developed by Freud can not be dismissed because it assumes an innate mutual hostility among people .
12 Anderson and Roberts can perhaps be seen as offering us different facets of essentially a similar situation , where feelings of affection and concepts of duty are taken into calculations about mutual advantage based on material considerations .
13 By contrast , the decision making system in the United States can only be described as ramshackle ; however , rationality and efficiency are not necessarily the first priorities of a democratic political system , especially one as vast and heterogeneous as the United States .
14 So that it is a matter most essential to the liberties of this kingdom , that such members be delegated to this important trust , as are most eminent for their probity , their fortitude , and their knowledge ; for it was a known apophthegm of the great lord treasurer Burleigh , ‘ that England could never be ruined but by a Parliament ’ …
15 The land for the strip had not even become available , Keker reminded him , until January 1986 , and the only aircraft that had ever landed there had stuck in the mud ; but North could not be persuaded that his memo was ‘ incompatible with the realities of things ’ .
16 This is made explicit in an executive letter which states that the ‘ objective of increasing the efficiency of the NHS will only be realised if competition delivers more in the value of savings and/or quality improvements than it adds to transaction costs ’ ( DoH , 1989g ) .
17 The details of the SPR can then be entered and updated using option 3.2.0 , Update SPR , specifying this SPR identifier .
18 The present position is one in which the Treaty of Maastricht can not be ratified because of the Danish veto .
19 In 1819 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs acquired a permanent Asiatic desk , and in the same year Alexander I created an inter-ministerial body , the Asiatic Committee , to consider how Russia 's trade with the Orient could best be maintained and improved .
20 The attacks on the Woodvilles should not be taken as typical of Gloucester 's approach as protector .
21 The attacks on the Woodvilles should not be taken as typical of Gloucester 's approach as protector .
22 Elly Jansen could not be contacted when Community Care went to press .
23 Zurich could hardly be described as remote , either in terms of situation or events .
24 And though Zurich could never be described as off the beaten track of tourism , there are plenty of quiet corners close to the city centre which are off the beaten track of Zurich itself .
25 Arrangements were carefully made so that Lunia would not be compromised and Modigliani came to paint her portrait the following day in the Sunny Hotel on the Boulevard de Port-Royal , the little lodging house where Zborowski was living with his handsome and somewhat forbidding common-law wife , Anna ( Hanka ) Zborowska .
26 If they did , the exquisite bouquets from Parisian florist Moulié Savart would not be delivered and Lagerfeld himself would be mysteriously and finally absent from their lives .
27 Many companies whose latest accounting period started on 1 November will therefore be affected as this period will end after the appointed day .
28 The following study of Owen may perhaps be regarded as only a partial success .
29 Although automatic and semi-automatic high-bay warehousing systems are being built abroad at an ever increasing rate — some 2,000 have been constructed in Japan in the last fifteen years — the rate of development in the United Kingdom may only be described as slow .
30 For this purpose it should be noted that contracts with a UK counterparty may be treated as entered into in the UK , depending on the facts , and the better view is that advice given to an investor in the UK should normally be treated as given in the UK .
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