Example sentences of "[noun prp] [modal v] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The consequence of what Nicholls may have intended as a politic and eirenical statement was suspension , degradation , and imprisonment .
2 Garry deserved all that was coming to him ; fidelity in marriage seemed to be very little regarded but Garry must have known about the baby and there was no excuse for him .
3 But whatever satisfaction Scott may have gained from the debate and the fact that he had been given six months to prepare a new design , it must have soon been dispelled by the public press and the action of some of his professional colleagues .
4 Marx and Engels may have predicted in The Communist Manifesto that capitalism would abolish the particularities of nations and make outdated narrow national consciousness .
5 NEIL Kinnock 's slightly manic conducting of Men of Harlech at Egglescliffe School on Friday may have come as a mild surprise to the attendant gentlemen of the Press .
6 From the Communist point of view the witch-hunts and loyalty tests of the United States must have looked like the little puffs of smoke and flame of a stage dragon which fooled nobody .
7 It was a hot day and Andy must have started with a distinct dehydration disadvantage .
8 We then had a rousing Le Corsaire pas de deux , with Elvira Tarasov and Igor Zelensky dancing just as Ruzimatov should have done in the Diana and Actaeon , with technical bravura but putting the choreography and music first , and themselves only as the servants of dance as an art .
9 Even some Right-wing opposition politicians reckoned it was the best Mr Mitterrand could have done in the circumstances .
10 That trip must have revived Nicolae 's memories of his time in Stalin 's Moscow , but the frenzied adulation of Mao surpassed anything that Ceauşescu could have witnessed in the Soviet Union .
11 But within a minute that Renault could have turned off the main road and got lost in the maze of lanes to the west of Sandwich Flats .
12 He remembered how Orton used to sit slumped in a chair and Halliwell was always upright .
13 This may seem a curious exception , but it is as well to remember that Gregory would have known of the versification of Sulpicius Severus 's Life of St Martin by Paulinus of Périgueux , and that he counted among his friends the poet Venantius Fortunatus , himself the author of a poetic work on the miracles of St Martin .
14 If Wright had taken as much care with his finishing as his feud with Saints defender Ken Monkou , Arsenal would have escaped with a point .
15 In any case , William Tell would have shot with a cross-bow , not a barebow !
16 I think if you had asked Freud what 's the minimum number numerically for one of , for the Bond Freud Crowds , Freud would have thought for a bit and I think he would have said three .
17 There 'll be no more lolling about on the Costa del Sol in future because too much Sol will have done for the Costa .
18 No matter what reservations Churchill might have entertained about the Atlantic Charter and whether or not freedom was meant to apply to colonial territories , the unworthiness of France to return to Indochina was soon to become one of Roosevelt 's fixed ideas on colonialism and an issue that would bedevil relations between all the Allied powers in Southeast Asia with the possible and ironic exception of the Soviet Union .
19 In a happier moment , Maria might have laughed at the idea of Florian troubling to rescue anyone from anything .
20 Any relief Widnes might have felt at the non-appearance of the injured Meninga after half-time evaporated when Myler departed with a head wound a minute after the restart .
21 A gold-mounted disc of amber found at Knossos may have come from the Wessex culture of southern England .
22 Hood has suggested that the statue at Knossos may have looked like the snake goddess shown in faience in the Temple Repositories .
23 ‘ Northern Ireland may have faded as a football force since the break-up of the 1986 World Cup finals side — and the rebuilding process has been painful .
24 The supposedly most securely dated vessels are those which can be related to Continental chronologies ; vessels which occur on the Continent but not in England date to before the migration , those on both sides of the North Sea to the migration period itself , and those which are only found in England must have developed after the migration period .
25 There were also other reasons why resentment of Athens should have intensified in the late 450s : for instance , this was the period of the first cleruchies ( settlements of Athenians on allied territory abroad ) .
26 Ralph and Bernie must have gone to a lot of trouble to set him up .
27 On the other hand , Hugh Sixsmith might have responded to the spirit and the letter of Alistair 's accompanying note — and dropped Offensive from Quasar 13 into his wastepaper basket within minutes of its arrival : four months ago .
28 Given the benefit of hindsight , Scotland could have done with a more demanding opening and might also have deployed the likes of Murry Walker and Carl Hogg first out , instead of waiting for the taxing fixture against Nadroga .
29 Noodle or Blueboobs would have flown at the kid to avenge Crackpot .
30 The copyist who supplied it was , to judge from other manuscripts in his handwriting , almost certainly an amateur — not the kind of musician Purcell would have trusted with an important task — and was not active until 1700 at the earliest .
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