Example sentences of "[noun prp] [be] [adj] [adv] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And Freud is careful here to use the word illusion .
2 Two years later , however , Gundovald was wealthy enough to bribe the leading citizens of Angoulême .
3 Alan was lucky enough to discover a scorpion in the fruit bowl .
4 Tired as he was , Ramsay was glad enough to leave the slow and wearisome convoying of cattle for swift riding and positive action .
5 Louis was perceptive enough to gauge the degree of royal influence that would be welcomed in the great principalities .
6 Liverpool are lucky enough to have the best fans in the world and I know they 'll turn up the volume and strike fear into Spartak .
7 And since the vast majority of children in the UK are lucky enough to eat a balanced diet , there 's no worry about your own child falling short on intelligence .
8 The Lloyd is firm enough to hold the bolt there when you push open the door .
9 I think I have the problem sorted out and the Honda is quick enough to win the race .
10 Thanks to the German and Italian aid , Franco was able substantially to increase the number of troops being transported daily from Morocco to Spain , while the Republic remained apparently unable to stop him .
11 Yet Pickard was keen also to echo the more positive tone of the seminar and the alleged changing face of the administration in this country , when he said , ‘ There are still many things to be done but there is renewed enthusiasm and that must be maintained .
12 Mrs Thatcher was cute enough to see the need to cultivate the backbenchers who made up her lobby fodder and the knighthood became once again the reward for wrecked marriages and broken health caused by sitting up all night to vote as the whips instructed .
13 Unlike Achilles , Patroclus answers Agamemnon respectfully , in verse : only Achilles is powerful enough to ignore the Greek generals .
14 Colville is candid enough to recognize the highly unorthodox expedients — unorthodox in constitutional terms — to which he and Christopher Soames , Churchill 's son-in-law and Parliamentary Private Secretary , resorted while the old man was out of action .
15 Before you start trying to watch home movies on your PC , remember that although Microsoft is kind enough to include a very basic multi media player and recorder ( both illustrated ) as part of the standard Windows desktop , in order to go some way towards true multi media you need a few more things : a windows multi media extension , a CD-ROM drive , a sound card and probably a new monitor , not to mention that faster machine you 've been promising yourself .
16 He welcomed the European Commission on Human Rights ' ruling that the case of the three IRA members killed by the SAS in Gibraltar was good enough to go the European Court .
17 In some areas — notably labour relations policy — Citrine was able successfully to keep the mandarins and ministers at bay , but he lacked the independent powers of the old CEB to say a straight ‘ no ’ in the last resort on a point on which the Minister had strong feelings .
18 In 1884 New Zealand was lucky enough to acquire a railway architect and engineer who had been trained in Scotland .
19 It had been tough going , but Proby was grateful enough to knock a century off the £500 I owe him .
20 Dorigo and Sharp are good enough to cover the left back slot .
21 If Adam had not issued from his hiding-place early in May they would not have been discovered ; but the messages which had come from Llewelyn were grave enough to warrant a risk which by then appeared so slight .
22 Until a few weeks ago she had been scarcely aware of him except as a friendly and familiar face in class ; but now , now she was very much aware of him — and he was very definitely aware of her ; much to Erika 's embarrassment sitting with her and Rosa at lunch , at the next desk in class , asking her out to the cinema and even , to Erika 's amazement and , she suspected , his own , offering to help Paul with his homework — in the Nordern home , that is — an offer declined both by Erika and Paul , although Paul did corner Fritz in school and suggest to him that if he actually did the homework then he , Paul , would further his , Fritz 's , courtship of Erika ; Paul being shrewd enough to guess the motive behind Fritz 's philanthropic gesture even though the square on the hypotenuse might remain a mystery to him .
23 Sothebys were unfortunate enough to misattribute a French eighteenth-century picture , which was in fact by Fragonard .
24 Because the motorbike was tucked cunningly under the very rampart of the fortress , much closer than the blue Corvette , Wilkie was able both to reverse the firm family progress of the Grimauds , and to make it impossible for Alexander not to catch up .
25 Even in its infancy , India was strong enough to survive the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in 1948 .
26 In the September 1981 party conference it was revealed that Healey had indeed won , by the narrowest of margins , with 50.3 per cent of the popular vote ; the star of Tony Benn began to dim somewhat thereafter , not least because Michael Foot was able subtly to mount a movement of the old ( or ‘ soft ’ ) constitutionally-minded left against the ‘ hard left ’ of the neo-Marxist , unilateralist fringe .
27 Several weeks later , John was lucky enough to find a home , but Poppy did n't have to cope alone for long .
28 There was an almost miraculous answer to their prayers , and Margaret was well enough to attend a special service of thanksgiving on April 10th. 1660 .
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