Example sentences of "[noun prp] [be] [adj] [adv] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Alan was lucky enough to discover a scorpion in the fruit bowl .
2 And since the vast majority of children in the UK are lucky enough to eat a balanced diet , there 's no worry about your own child falling short on intelligence .
3 Before you start trying to watch home movies on your PC , remember that although Microsoft is kind enough to include a very basic multi media player and recorder ( both illustrated ) as part of the standard Windows desktop , in order to go some way towards true multi media you need a few more things : a windows multi media extension , a CD-ROM drive , a sound card and probably a new monitor , not to mention that faster machine you 've been promising yourself .
4 In 1884 New Zealand was lucky enough to acquire a railway architect and engineer who had been trained in Scotland .
5 It had been tough going , but Proby was grateful enough to knock a century off the £500 I owe him .
6 If Adam had not issued from his hiding-place early in May they would not have been discovered ; but the messages which had come from Llewelyn were grave enough to warrant a risk which by then appeared so slight .
7 Sothebys were unfortunate enough to misattribute a French eighteenth-century picture , which was in fact by Fragonard .
8 In the September 1981 party conference it was revealed that Healey had indeed won , by the narrowest of margins , with 50.3 per cent of the popular vote ; the star of Tony Benn began to dim somewhat thereafter , not least because Michael Foot was able subtly to mount a movement of the old ( or ‘ soft ’ ) constitutionally-minded left against the ‘ hard left ’ of the neo-Marxist , unilateralist fringe .
9 Several weeks later , John was lucky enough to find a home , but Poppy did n't have to cope alone for long .
10 There was an almost miraculous answer to their prayers , and Margaret was well enough to attend a special service of thanksgiving on April 10th. 1660 .
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