Example sentences of "[noun prp] [be] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] as " in BNC.

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1 Lamarck is presented to us as a man misunderstood , misrepresented , undeservedly neglected and as the subject of calumnies that made him appear as ‘ the enemy of religion and teleology , even as a mechanistic materialist ’ .
2 In the end , and because Lord Hunter was presented to us as a man of independent judgement , we decided to do so , and advised Meehan to do the same .
3 Harley was coming into it as an early-season form horse and was therefore in the news , and now his caddie had been murdered so he was very much in the news .
4 The Bernard brothers were so struck by this that for some weeks afterwards Henrietta was known to them as ‘ Piss-off darling ’ .
5 Mandeville was staring at me as if trying to read my thoughts .
6 ‘ And Probyn is recognised by us as the world 's best tighthead prop so no argument there .
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