Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] a [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A replica of the tower has been built at Thiepval as a tribute to Ulster soldiers killed in the battle .
2 The sea served Armstrong as a background to adventures with a more mature approach to character and circumstance , in books like Island Odyssey , a tale set in Crete in 1941 , The Mutineers , in which a setting resembling Easter Island backs up a narrative strongly resembling Lord of the Flies , and The Albatross , a striking version of Chaucer 's Pardoner 's Tale which I shall return to .
3 Late abed in a sumptuous local B&B , then Martin is off at 6am , to drive to Inverness for a flight to Heathrow .
4 It makes sense for this alternative establishment to be pro-European , not only because it is in tune with the music Jacques Delors is making , but because it sees Brussels as a counterpoise to London.This is why it has been pointless to question the sincerity of Kinnock 's conversion to Europe .
5 The ideas of a ‘ common European home ’ , similarly , had first been employed by Brezhnev during a visit to West Germany in 1981 .
6 His luck ran out in the early hours of March 4th when French Customs controls identified Sea Rover homing in towards French waters at Ushant after a passage to North Africa for another cargo .
7 The ‘ Chorus of the Years ’ from Part Third , Act 6 was described by Hardy in a letter to Edward Clodd as being the ‘ most original ’ page in the book .
8 Gorbachev in a telegram to Landsbergis on March 22 demanded the force 's disbandment within two days .
9 American official policy was to promote self-government in south Korea as a prelude to unification but de la Mare observed that the long delay in accomplishing unification made this unlikely .
10 The African National Congress leader was due to accept the freedom of the City of Glasgow on 25 February during a trip to Europe .
11 Batsman Hinks went to Gloucestershire , and Chris Cowdrey as a part-timer to Glamorgan , while Kelleher , Dobson and Merrick were ‘ resting between engagements ’ .
12 He sees the main aim of the Gītā as a call to action .
13 We have already noted that he interprets the Gītā as a call to action and it is not without significance that he has been described as one of the foremost activist theoreticians and as a karmayogin .
14 Tha , well he went to Spain for a month to sort of recuperate .
15 Apparently the committee had refused to give such a certificate because the graphic work had been presented by Chagall as a gift to friends .
16 Benjamin , we may say to his credit , seems to have taken to Curry Rivel like a fish to water , and would stay there until the day he died .
17 ‘ The Black fellows of the Upper Hunter told me ’ , wrote Gould in a letter to E. P. Ramsay in Sydney in 1866 , ‘ that the little Melopsittacus undulatus had come to meet me , for they had never seen the bird in that district until the year I arrived . ’
18 An enigmatic reference to Meistersinger in a letter to Rohde in August is followed two months later by an avowed relish for the emotive Wagnerian ethos to which Meistersinger presents , comparatively , such a contrast .
19 A TV news report said police had to whisk Chancellor Kohl off a platform to safety .
20 The Spanish Prime Minister , Felipe Gonzalez , met Hassan during a visit to Morocco on May 21 , 1989 .
21 Athens could not ignore this , and an indecisive battle ( Tanagra ) followed by a decisive one ( Oinophyta ) gave Athens control of Boiotia till 446 ( see p. 43 for her ‘ land empire ’ ambitions , and for Sparta 's desire to set up Thebes as a counterweight to Athens ) .
22 The budget had been conditionally approved by the IMF during a visit to Washington by Finance Minister Andrzej Olechowski on March 16-17 .
23 A European Commission statement issued on Oct. 8 on behalf of the European Communities ( EC ) warned that this extension of the existing 30-year US embargo " had the potential to cause grave damage to the transatlantic relationship " , adding that it could not accept that " the USA unilaterally determines and restricts EC economic and commercial relations with any foreign nation which has not been designated by the UN as a threat to peace or order " .
24 Thus unease over Soviet conduct in Eastern Europe and further afield did not immediately end Bevin 's search for ways to co-exist with the USSR despite a warning to Attlee on 10 April 1946 that , while he believed the Soviets preferred to expand without the risk of war , their policy might acquire a dynamic of its own , and result in an unintended conflict .
25 In the mid-eighties the VCT purchased Sir Berkeley with a view to restoration to eventual working order in the wake of Bellerophens .
26 Other explorers with more time available can go down the slope to Ease Gill and there locate Leck Beck Head ; here all the streams that disappear underground on Leck Fell join those from Ease Gill in a return to daylight .
27 They include an interesting group of survey drawings made by Robert on a visit to London in 1611 , but also many original designs ( some of them drawings of considerable beauty ) , which supply evidence as to a number of the ‘ diverse other ’ houses mentioned on his monument .
28 This culminated in late March with a visit to Moscow by Ozawa as LDP secretary-general , during which it was strongly rumoured that Japan had offered a US$26,000 million cash , loans and aid package in exchange for the return of the islands .
29 This is because students from other parts of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland are joined at each of the four campuses by a growing number of overseas students , reflecting the reputation of Northern Ireland for offering warm hospitality to its visitors and the tradition of the University of Ulster as a host to students from other countries .
30 YORK HOUSE 2 October : The Duke of Kent , as Vice Chairman of the British Overseas Trade Board , today left Royal Air Force Northolt for a visit to Sweden and Finland .
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