Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] [adj] years [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 My husband and I have lived in Germany for 16 years and we have two lovely children who were both born here .
2 He 's been breeding Herefords for 45 years and it breaks his heart to see us importing rubbish from overseas .
3 Mike just a point of information I have been teaching in Harlow for twenty years and I 've never been asked by anybody at the playhouse what play 's who 's like to see in my school .
4 Jarvefelt was an actor in Stockholm for five years before he got into opera , and — like many theatre people — he was disinclined to challenge the presumed limitations of opera singers as actors .
5 Florrie had been very friendly with Nellie for many years and she nodded sympathetically .
6 Rachel had n't seen Irene Markham for five years but she was shocked by how much older she looked .
7 The other aspect is there are a large number of people a large number of these countries depend on their forest industries for producing foreign exchange which is particularly scant , a lot of the world , particularly Africa is suffering from debt problems , erm I worked in Uganda for 14 years and I found it really to get back there : the salary of a forest officer now is something , is worth in real terms something like 1 percent of what it was in 1962. erm His salary in 1962 was something in the region of six thousand a year in present terms , it 's now worth £60. erm He has to go out and get most of his livelihood from some other source , and Uganda 's an extreme case , but there are many other African countries where the position is similar .
8 She had lived in the States for several years but she still retained her British accent , though she often maintained that she loathed England and would never return to it .
9 ‘ I have been on the parish council at Saughall for more years than I care to remember — eighteen , ’ he said .
10 He had been married to Ellen for six years but they had no children .
11 ‘ I used to get down about my injuries , but I shared digs with Alan for two years and he always kept me going .
12 She 'd lived in Leningrad for ten years but she 'd had no work for the last two of them .
13 It was great and probably would have been with the exception of the video going to number one , it probably would be the highlight of our career cos we 'd been out of had n't been working in Ireland for six years and we were back in and did a sell out concert tour and I think that was really good .
14 ‘ Sean had his shop at the corner of the Donegall Road and the Falls Road for 18 years and he was so well-known .
15 I had known Bruce for some years as he often ministered to friends , and on two or three occasions when he had laid his hands on my back , the heat emanating from them was like a blowtorch .
16 Isobel Thompson had been a missionary in West Africa for seventeen years before she became a deacon .
17 I have known Trevor for many years and he is a mass of seething hate before breakfast most days , so I could smell the revenge in him even above ‘ Jock ’ McDougall 's armpits before we left the changing room this afternoon .
18 The Rev. Joseph Edelson , a controversial Anglo-Catholic who gave his name to the house , was vicar of Gainford for 40 years but he also had other interests .
19 Zimmerman was ambassador to Yugoslavia for three years until he was called home in May .
20 One resident , who did n't want to be named , moaned yesterday : ‘ It 's been called Eldorado Close for 30 years and we all used to like it .
21 ‘ He ran the Mafia 's drug business in Britain for ten years until he was arrested in the mid-eighties . ’
22 I have been extremely interested in the youth of Shropshire for many years and I try to express this by such activities as being a confirmation catechist , working with young adults with physical and mental disabilities and also attending a week 's work experience at Dehon House .
23 Miss Fielding , from Stockport , presented Blue Peter for five years until she left in the summer .
24 Ranjan Gohin , 36 , summed up the mood saying : ‘ I 've been working at John Lewis for 14 years and I do n't think this will put me off .
25 ‘ I was captain of Darlington for many years so I know what it is like in his job .
26 Accommodation and compromise have not characterized the attitudes and actions of the young university-educated activists of the DUP of recent years because they grew up in the zero-sum game , and even if they forgot its rules long enough to consider shifting the DUP 's aims , there is no reason to suppose that the voters would support them in their deviation .
27 I stayed with Robert Fraser for some years and it all ended with Robert going to jail on the famous drug bust with the Rolling Stones .
28 I lived in Switzerland for fifteen years and I knew many many people who after having had their children would have breasts implants and , they just felt that they 'd got back the figure that they had before the children and particularly one of my friends she had twins and her stomach was so stretched and after her pregnancy she 'd got all this sort of sagging skin and what she regretted was that she waited fifteen years before she decided to go and have something done and she just felt so much better about it .
29 The Richard the Third Society has the Duke of Gloucester as its patron , which is very pertinent because , as you know , Richard the Third held the title of Duke of Gloucester for many years before he became king . ’
30 Angela Jones , 26 , of the same address , said she had known Michael for eight years and they had lived together for seven .
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