Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adj] [verb] that [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A Ukrainian Defence Ministry statement of Jan. 2 said that all troops in Ukraine , except strategic nuclear forces , were directly subordinate to the Ukrainian President .
2 However , the Supreme Council of National Security ( SCNS ) on Jan. 26 announced that all aircraft would be " confiscated " and their pilots kept in custody , stressing that " this policy would be applied to all parties which violate Iranian air , land or sea spaces " , and on the same day Baker confirmed that " we have been assured that Iran intends to remain totally neutral " .
3 Interim results for the first half to July 1991 revealed that this revamp was the only operation to increase sales and profits .
4 However , a government statement issued at the end of a meeting with the Unified Movements and Fronts of Azawad on May 20 declared that both parties were convinced that the attack was the work of " unscrupulous and lawless " people .
5 A report on ( Hekmatyar 's ) Radio Message of Freedom on Sept. 24 said that former President Najibullah had been moved from the UN offices in Kabul ( where he fled at the outset of the fall of his regime ) to Mazar-i-Sharif " where he now lives under the intimidation and torture of leaders of the unholy coalition of the north " .
6 Outlining Book Tokens promotional plans , Mr Thin said that this year , in addition to press advertising , Book Tokens would have 80 spots on radio , using Classic FM in the week before Christmas .
7 The government on Oct. 13 ordered that all identity cards in future should indicate the holder 's religion .
8 A report in October 1989 said that many people were leaving the social work profession : low morale , increased pressure and poor pay all contributed to this exodus .
9 However , the People 's Daily of Nov. 11 noted that some people did not have " a good understanding " of the need for austerity measures , and that such an attitude should be " resolutely rectified " .
10 A joint ANC-government statement issued after a meeting between President F. W. de Klerk and ANC deputy president Nelson Mandela on Nov. 27 indicated that both sides were committed to peaceful negotiation , and confirmed that their dialogue was to continue .
11 Research concluded in the USA in August 1989 suggested that some people who are infected with HIV , and are well , have a smaller chance of developing illnesses with at least one year 's treatment with zidovudine .
12 The additive effects of substituting His197 on the NK-1R and replacing the quinuclidine nitrogen on CP 96345 indicate that this nitrogen interacts with a residue other than His197 .
13 In 1724 Peter I ordered that all papers relating to foreign policy should be brought together in the college archive ; and work on this continued for the next two decades .
14 The Far Eastern Economic Review of April 25 reported that some government officials and members of the armed forces had welcomed the creation of the Forum , provided that it complied with strict government guidelines on political behaviour .
15 The Independent of April 8 noted that this Luxembourg meeting of the European Council would be the fourth special meeting in 18 months [ see pp. 37028 ; 37363-64 ; 37782-83 ] and detected " a subtle but important change in the character of the Community , away from supranational roots where the European Commission holds sway , towards a more intergovernmental future under the guiding hand of the European Council " .
16 ( The Financial Times of June 21 noted that these countries had in any case serviced only about 5 per cent of these debts in 1989/90 . )
17 Brightman J in United Sterling Corporation Ltd v Felton and Mannion [ 1974 ] RPC 162 suggested that such control would be implied .
18 Commenting on the success of the fundamentalist candidates , the Independent of June 20 speculated that many merchants had cast anti-PLO votes in protest at the endless strikes and closures imposed by the intifada leadership .
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