Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] his way [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Doyle made his way through the crowded , smoky billiard hall , towards the bar at the end , where he could see Bodie nonchalantly sipping a coke .
2 Branson made his way to the club — situated , by a felicitous coincidence , directly opposite Coutts 's head office in the Strand — and wandered beneath the flashing strobe-lights , more fascinated than intimidated by the spectacle of 1,500 moustachioed , bejeaned and leather-clad males gyrating to the strains of ‘ I Want a Man ’ .
3 Corbett made his way through the thick clogged sand and entered the first one .
4 She watched as Callum wove his way through the various clusters of people and found her eyes irresistibly drawn to the corner where Luke stood , surrounded by a large group of his friends .
5 After a bad start and an early tangle with Michael Andretti 's McLaren , which saw a wheel ripped off the American 's car , Warwick worked his way through the field .
6 After a bad start and an early tangle with Michael Andretti 's McLaren , which saw a wheel ripped off the American 's car , Warwick worked his way through the field .
7 So it was that Levi worked his way down the last holes at Glen Abbey .
8 Jinkwa pushed his way to the front of the party and nudged the Doctor none too gently .
9 With Masklin hanging on grimly , Grandson Richard pushed his way through the throng .
10 Lost in thought , Eochaid did not at first hear the shouting outside , or see Thorfinn thrusting his way through the crowd to the door until he had almost gone .
11 There were rumours of snow on the way and , as Governor Peter Nicholson made his way across the exercise yard of Whitely Prison , he could believe them .
12 Simon made his way over the cracked linoleum on the hall floor and pushed the door open .
13 When it arrived , Nigel hacked his way round the millpond with a hand scythe and saw , clearing years of unwanted growth and very nearly finishing the job .
14 TENNIS heart-throb Andre Agassi smashed his way into the last 16 in the US Open yesterday — and won a kiss from movie star Barbra Streisand ( inset ) who must have pulled some special strokes to get past the minders at New York 's Flushing Meadow .
15 Prabhakar went on to 64 , but McDermott worked his way through the tail , finishing with 10 wickets in the match : his final scalp ( Srinath ) was his 150th in Tests .
16 With that connection his collection began in earnest because Glackens knew his way around the prevailing cutting edge , mainly through his friendship with Gertrude and Leo Stein .
17 And the next morning when they get up Ruth makes his way into the town , and he goes to where all the , the men sit and they talk , the city gate , and there he he searches out the nearer relative of Ruth 's .
18 He turns , but the girl has managed to flee by the fire escape as Lepine makes his way to the bookstore .
19 Here two men , a ship 's officer and a gently born younger son sent from England to make his way in the world , are involved in certain events which are , as it were , by-products of civil war .
20 Stephen made his way across the dale towards the mountain by a path that ran to the west of the ruined engine house .
21 As Tom made his way to the door he noticed a particularly evil-looking group lurking at the entrance of a narrow alleyway .
22 DON CAMERON sifts his way through the ashes of an All Black demise that began well before the loss of the Webb Ellis Cup …
23 Ever upwards , Eddie rambles his way to the peak of success .
24 But it is from after the change that we have evidence for Councillors like Kleon and the fourth-century Athenian Demosthenes whose year on the Council fell at improbably convenient moments for their political careers ; this makes one suspect corruption , a suspicion strengthened by Aischines ' direct accusation that Demosthenes bribed his way onto the Council in 346 ( iii.62 ) .
25 Darkness was falling rapidly as Campeanu eased his way past the narrow gap .
26 Limping awkwardly to the window , he watched Tom fight his way through the snow in the farmyard , and he thought of how close he and Carrie had come to being caught in bed together .
27 Burun forced his way through the press , using his elbows .
28 Wull pushed his way towards the soldiers .
29 Lawler groped his way to the wall switch which he flicked up and down , to no avail .
30 Leaving Christian pulling on his boots with the intention of going to assist the gipsies , Seb made his way to the camp set up by the road-makers .
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