Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] for [pers pn] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I finally stopped going to school when Charlie did , and Eva arranged for me to go to a college where I could finish my A levels .
2 Mrs Reed arranged for me to leave on the nineteenth of January .
3 Schwabe arranged for him to work for the Clyde engineering and shipbuilding firm of J. & G. Thomson , who were building ships for Bibby .
4 It was a relief when Iris called for her to go to church .
5 Vacation time Francis arranged for him to caddy at the Lyford Cay club to keep him out of trouble .
6 Wiping her eyes once more with a sodden hanky , Evelyn waited for them to come into the room .
7 Wexford waited for her to talk of love and instead heard her say with a strange sense of shock , ‘ I gave up my job , as I told you , and came back to London to live with him .
8 He was anxious for further treatment , and Dr. Prior arranged for him to go to Kings College Hospital in London where treatment introduced by the celebrated Professor Koch was under trial .
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