Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] her way [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Heat struck through the thin soles of her sandals as , joining the straggling file of other passengers , Luce made her way across the tarmac towards the rather unprepossessing terminal building .
2 Kelly made her way through the crowd , vaguely aware of the chatter of people whose dull lives had briefly been made more exciting by another 's misfortune .
3 Kelly made her way through the hall towards the front door .
4 Swearing as her dead left hand crashed into a chair in the dark , Jezrael made her way across the room , sat down facing him .
5 As she passed the vicarage she was startled to see Faustina picking her way along the front wall with a palm cross in her mouth .
6 Bernice pushed her way through the confused mass of people , looking for Miles or Piper .
7 Grimma pushed her way through the packed bodies .
8 Rachaela dodged her way to the lavatory .
9 While Bridget mostly concentrates on deconstruction at the Cambridge end , Loretta finds her way through the delight and danger offered by ‘ dishy ’ student Jamie Baird ( Greg Wise ) .
10 Leonora , aware of Penry 's warmth in every fibre , found the security of his arms an effective antidote for her fear as the Angharad butted her way across the choppy waters of the sound .
11 Léonie picked her way up the kitchen-garden towards the house .
12 Maggie pushed her way through the swinging plate-glass doors and as usual the first thing she saw was a giant mock-up of the front of the magazine , glossy , colourful and slightly daunting , the name magnified out of proportion : QUERY !
13 They stood looking at each other uncertainly , then Carrie made her way to the door and he heard her going upstairs , with considerably more skill than he would be able to muster .
14 Julia pushed her way to the further chair and sat down , wondering how to make herself small enough to avoid touching David every time she moved or breathed .
15 Panting , Theda groped her way through the thick undergrowth , her direction signalled by Benedict crashing through ahead of her , and the howls of the dog growing ever louder .
16 Billie picked her way between the graves , stumbled just before she reached him , but he leant forward and easily caught her .
17 Lindsey made her way to the office , taking a few seconds to run a comb through her hair before the door opened and the Hammonds came hesitantly into the room .
18 By eight o'clock , as Lindsey made her way to the hospital , the sun was already hot and getting hotter , and the excitement of the previous day was being repeated as passengers hurried to go ashore .
19 Puzzled to find her thoughts taking such a melancholy turn when she felt so wonderful inside , Sarella made her way into the bathroom and ran a shower .
20 While we watched , Annabel wormed her way into the circle around Kezia with a plate of smoked salmon sandwiches .
21 As Elinor and Donald shuffled towards the door , Tibbles shouldered her way into the room .
22 Jessamy puffed her way to the end of the track , then stood still , partly because she needed to get her breath back and partly because she was startled by the sight in front of her .
23 They grasped hands and pumped up and down , and Mary Rose picked her way through the muddy forecourt and approached , her smile at the ready .
24 Theodora made her way up the chancel , genuflected briefly and knelt in the silent pew , praying for ‘ the soul of thy servant , Paul , his family and all who worship here ’ .
25 Ella made her way to the ladies ' end to replenish Violet Lovelock 's glass .
26 Thérèse made her way through the neat kitchen-garden .
27 Theodora wound her way down the long narrow garden , bowing her head under the arching tendrils of the old roses , edging past the organic asparagus bed and avoiding the hazard of the flight paths of bees intent on making for their two hives .
28 Nicandra knew her way through the tiny , bright garden to the leaded window of that back room .
29 Kate made her way to the Superintendent 's office , her mind whirling .
30 Humming softly , Caroline made her way up the broad stairway to the second floor of the palazzo .
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