Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] her [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 Lissa pressed her fingertips to the window-pane , as though in some way that would keep him near to her , but the ambulance moved off along the road and the fragile connection was severed .
2 Ruth slid her feet to the floor .
3 Lulu Freston takes her pugs to the House of Commons where she works for an MP .
4 Tabitha swung her feet to the floor .
5 She is seen at the National Cemetery in Seoul paying her respects to the thousands killed in the Korean War .
6 Claudia raised her eyes to the man whose own eyes were fixed with deadly intent on her , and silently asked Dana 's forgiveness for what she was about to do .
7 Claudia raised her eyes to the ceiling .
8 Sheila and Annie did not contact each other during the following week : Annie planned to invite Sheila back for coffee after the next meeting , to have a friendly talk , away from the hothouse of the group , but Sheila sent her apologies to the meeting .
9 Sarah rolled her eyes to the ceiling .
10 Caroline rolled her eyes to the ceiling .
11 Kate rolled her eyes to the ceiling .
12 As the months passed , Lynsey put her fears to the back of her mind — until Courtney 's trial .
13 This might have been the moment for Britain to transfer her loyalties to the European Community , but her ties with the Commonwealth and the special relationship were too strong .
14 Caroline closed her ears to the conversation , not that she could understand the swift , musical Italian .
15 When Susan exposes her breasts to the already randy workmen by standing topless at an open window , the implication is clear that she is ‘ asking ’ for the eventual rape .
16 As she moved up , Noreen lifted her eyes to the choir stalls , as if in a signal , and the organ segued to a softer introduction to the Recessional Hymn .
17 Over the coming months , Leo opened her eyes to the other Manhattan , to another America .
18 Leonora swung her feet to the ground , disinclined to discuss Guy Ferris .
19 Rayleen raised her eyebrows to the heavens and reached into her clutch bag for a pack of cigarettes .
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