Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] her [noun sg] from the " in BNC.

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1 Helen Barnett takes her pick from the bookshelves
2 Meredith wrenched her gaze from the sad little scrap of paper and looked about her .
3 Bernice tore her gaze from the creature .
4 Maggie grabs her bag from the wire cage under her seat , throws on her coat and is down the stairs and out in the street before any of the others .
5 Mildred took her suitcase from the back of the broomstick which was hovering politely , waiting for the next command .
6 The OTHER carnival queen , Vicky Cooper got her title from the Forest of Dean carnival committee .
7 Brooke-Rose distinguishes her novel from the plethora of ‘ fiction about the writing of fiction ’ in that its purpose is to play with ‘ the reader 's habit of trusting the reliable narrator ’ ( 1976k:4–5 ) .
8 The Minister of State for Human Resources Development Mamta Banerjee announced her resignation from the government on Nov. 25 in protest against the killings .
9 Isabel wrenched her gaze from the limp body at her feet .
10 He did not deny her assertion but smiled contentedly as Constance drew her dish from the oven .
11 Her voice was happy once more and Kate watched her run from the room .
12 Louisa snatched her cape from the peg , banged the door shut behind her and leaned against it , panting .
13 After kissing her mother , Louise followed her father from the house .
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