Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] her [noun] with the " in BNC.

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1 Lucy filled her glass with the palest gold , firelight making a star in the bowl , the label on the wine was olive-green and gold and Lucy 's eyes were spring leaves dancing in the light of dawn .
2 Bernice remembered her conversation with the Doctor , and shivered .
3 Mrs Field demonstrates her technique with the hunting horn during the filming of Too Long a Winter in 1972 ( Courtesy of Yorkshire Television )
4 Lyddy interrupted her reverie with the cream silk dress laid across her arms like an offering .
5 Ms Robinson runs her class with the help of a nursery nurse Miss Kate Wise , and campaigners want similar teacher-nurse teams to become the norm nationwide .
6 Mrs Crump expressed her gratitude with the eloquence of total silence but with a little look which , as Hope noted and saw that it was noted , signalled that she was pierced to the heart .
7 Rose covered her face with the blanket .
8 Comic look at American racism in MRS DELAFIELD WANTS TO MARRY , where Katherine Hepburn shocks her family with the news she 's to wed a Jewish doctor .
9 Irina decorated her conversation with the swear words to which he had become more used .
10 Belinda wiped her mouth with the back of her hand .
11 Anne left her job with the Robinsons and came home to Haworth .
12 But coming up first , Alison MacDonald continues her adventures with the kids in buggy land .
13 Yearning for a drink to ease her parched throat , Polly moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue .
14 Merrill dabbed her mouth with the big damask napkin and put it down .
15 Aunt Margaret brushed her hair with the silver-backed brush which , like Winnie the Pooh , had survived the crash ; she brushed and brushed until Melanie 's black hair swirled like the Thames in flood , and then she floated all the daisies on it .
16 This was scandalous behaviour , and the word was that Buckingham Palace began telling Fergie to cool her relationship with the Texan .
17 Melissa explained her connection with the Centre CĂ©venol d'Etudes .
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