Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] his [noun pl] in the " in BNC.

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1 Carl André places his bricks in the Tate Gallery ( 1976 ) and you realize abruptly that you are a passionate aesthete , welcoming André 's challenge to preconceptions about art , space , detail .
2 Manville jabbed his knuckles in the man 's back as he stepped up behind him .
3 Without warning , Laverne raises his hands in the air , yells at the top of his voice , and bears down on the snake .
4 Lepine was not cremated for a few days yet , until after the despatch of a couple of his victims also being tended to at the Côte-Des-Neiges cemetery , opposite the mountain , alongside the University of Montreal , where Marc Lepine joined his victims in the silence at the centre .
5 In no sense whatever was Korean communism a monolithic movement ; it was riddled with internal divisions and did not become relatively unified until Kim Il Sung purged his opponents in the 1950s after the Korean War .
6 For the rest of the holiday , poor Ollie spent his nights in the open air , his hands fastened to the tent pegs .
7 Nevertheless , it was evidently with some unease that President Assad placed his troops in the Saudi desert alongside US forces .
8 Sighvat was in Olaf 's service at the time , and his Vestrfararvísur ( Western Travel Verses ) name Earl Hakon , son of Earl Eric of Lade , as acting with Cnut , and speak repeatedly of money offered to Olaf 's men , while the Tøgdrápa of Thorarin Praise-Tongue , who apparently sailed with Cnut 's fleet , indicates that he went first to Denmark to assemble his ships in the Limfjord in Jutland , and then proceeded north along the Norwegian coast to Trondheim .
9 Fleming reported his experiments in the Journal of Horticulture , and published Spring and Winter Flower Gardening in 1864 ( 2nd edn. , 1870 ) .
10 Tolkien wanted his characters in The Lord of the Rings to live up to the same high standard .
11 Baudrillard began his studies in the earlier tradition of symbolic analysis , with an attempt to examine the significatory properties of modern mass consumption ( e.g. 1981 : .
12 He fired his shot hard and low but somehow Norman got his legs in the way and the ball flew over the bar into the sea of incredulous Middlesbrough supporters behind the Roker goal .
13 Jack opened his presents in the car and we head for home and a tin of lentil soup .
14 Just as God fed his children in the desert so now Jesus feeds his people in the ‘ lonely place ’ .
15 Lyn heard his feet in the sideway and opened the back door to him .
16 Raphael planned his frescoes in the Stanze to a programme provided by a humanist at the papal court , and the inclusion of almost every detail in Enguerrand Quarton 's marvellously constructed Coronation of the Virgin is laid down in the documents commissioning it .
17 Simpson raises his hands in the air , United have got Andy Melville and Steve Foster at the far post , Simpson still delays taking the kick , now it comes in , he knocks it in to the far post , looking for Paul , Paul heads it back over the top — and they 've scored .
18 Simpson raises his hands in the air , United have got Andy Melville and Steve Foster at the far post .
19 Southwards of Paris , the loyalty of Archbishop Wenilo of Sens and Bishop Jonas of Orléans probably helped Charles to install his men in the key abbacies of Fleury and ( as we 've seen ) Ferrières , when the previous incumbents left to join Lothar .
20 Jonna placed his clothes in the sack , slowly descended the ladder and lifted his overcoat from its peg on the back door .
21 Nicholas impeded his generals in the first campaigning season by taking the field personally , but in 1829 Ivan Dibich led the army deep into eastern Thrace while Paskevich , in the east , took Kars and Erzerum ( a campaign immortalized in prose by Aleksandr Pushkin ) .
22 KEVIN Brown left his keys in the ignition when he filled his new Porsche with petrol — and had the £50,000 car nicked while he paid the bill at Washington , Tyne and Wear .
23 He recognized the churlishness , saw Rudakov open his hands in the gesture of refused reasonableness .
24 Jonathan fluttered his hands in the air .
25 Tony ate his meals in the kitchen and he slept in a little room at the top of the farmhouse .
26 ‘ As you can see Ace Barton gets his priorities in the proper order .
27 Thomas Telford waved his hands in the air excitedly .
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