Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] his [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 After seeing Chris Armstrong 's first half goal cancelled out by a late Gary Bannister equaliser , Coppell admitted his team missed the creative ability of England forward John Salako , whose rebuilt knee had become ‘ scrunchy ’ .
2 With the wind drifting the laden Zodiac , Trent doubted his ability to pick the tow up before the men were on the reef .
3 Dr Hendron made his appeal following the murder of south Belfast man Sean Hughes on the Falls Road on Tuesday .
4 Mr Adams made his offer to meet the four church leaders in a letter last August , but in their reply the churchmen said they would not talk until Sinn Fein publicly called for an end to violence .
5 The acolyte Rizla clears his throat to deliver the lecture .
6 Venetiaan stated his desire to reform the Constitution to reduce the involvement of the army in internal affairs .
7 Forsman gained his revenge winning the Buick Classic at the second extra play-off hole , ahead of both Steve Elkington and Brad Faxon .
8 The gloom apparent among publishers when President Menem made his appearance to open the book fair was understandable against this background .
9 Roxburgh widens his argument to include the on-air trailing of BBC magazines .
10 Having achieved narrow wins in the Minnesota and Idaho caucuses Harkin stated his determination to continue the fight at least until the Illinois and Michigan primaries , on March 17 , when he hoped that his trade union support would assist him .
11 Mortimer shook his head to clear the cobwebs , thinking that here was a chance to see some action .
12 Mr Mackarness insists his bank offered the Fowlers a guaranteed £100,000 in compensation .
13 Sir Bryan used his 7-wood to plant the ball neatly on the green .
14 This was Watford 's best home performance of the season and manager Steve Perryman maintains his team have the talent — they simply lack consistency .
15 In an interview with a Dublin magazine , Mr Wilson said his wife disliked the effect his political career had on their relationship .
16 Tony Butler says his force needs the support of courts and other agencies if it 's to stamp out the problem .
17 Ember twisted his head to ease the strain in his neck .
18 Defries swivelled his chair to face the front .
19 After being pegged at 4–4 following the first frame of the evening session , Hendry raised his game to collect the £40,000 first prize — and become Masters champion for the first time .
20 In the " Lady Chatterley " case Mr Justice Byrne instructed his jury to consider the total effect of the work after reading it from cover to cover .
21 A man asks Jesus to tell his brother to divide the property between them .
22 But while Cavalcanti uses his traitor to question the existing social order , Powell-Pressburger's Thomas Colpepper remains the guardian of the best English traditions .
23 Nevertheless , Bush reiterated his commitment to maintain the 39,000 US troops stationed in South Korea " so long as there is a need and we 're welcome " .
24 Craig lifted his glass admiring the slant of light through the brandy .
25 Insurance salesman Craig re-mortgaged his house to buy the bike he crashed on .
26 Feeling rather like a flasher , Maxim opened his raincoat to show the revolver pointing vaguely at Dann 's crotch .
27 On April 9 dos Santos reshuffled his government following the resignation of the Minister of Territorial Administration , Lopo Fortunato Ferreira do Nascimento .
28 Major Vine curbed his horse to watch the ten companies march past .
29 Dreamer used his knife to cut the red snow into blocks .
30 Hérard Abraham fulfilled his promise to reorganize the Presidential Guard , which had served as an important prop of the Avril regime , but the Army as a whole seemed unwilling to become involved in imposing authority .
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