Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pn reflx] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As you drive , this NVH manifests itself in the form of tiny vibrations fed back through the steering wheel and the gruff , uninspiring sounds from the SE-FHE engine .
2 Had he gone to Glastonbury or come back by a secret route to Templecombe to hide himself in the church ?
3 Linda buried herself in the crowd , exchanging words with this one and that and heading for the bar .
4 While Mary Ann busied herself in the kitchen , and the uncommunicative Emily disappeared , he took in his surroundings .
5 Thorfinn lifted himself in the saddle and saw men 's heads turn , and the flash of a spear to be deflected .
6 Rex adjusted himself in the driving mirror .
7 ‘ Are you trying to tell me , ’ Melissa began , on a low note that she could hear becoming steadily more shrill , ‘ that after stabbing Angy , Barney locked himself in the bathroom and left her to die while he calmly washed away her blood ?
8 The Sheikha settled herself in the dressing room , determined not to be too far away from her son at any time .
9 Meredith lost herself in the arrangements , and between them they managed to create a reasonable atmosphere again .
10 Angie saw herself in the crowd .
11 As the second show was coming to an end , Lucy sat herself in the makeup chair and made a sullen face and checked her watch frequently , with the idea that Josie should catch her doing it as she finally came in through the door .
12 To explore the desert , Thesiger immersed himself in the Bedu way of life : he spoke Arabic , dressed and went barefoot they did , and shared the extreme hardship of their existence .
13 Caitlin poked himself in the chest .
14 On the day Colonel Hope announced himself in the yard of the Queen 's Head in Keswick , Coleridge , a few hundred yards away , was writing a letter which included the sentence ‘ I have always found a stretched and anxious frame of mind favourable to depths of pleasurable impression . ’
15 It was as a result of this new approach that Haslam found himself in the Plastics Division , a more glamorous part of ICI , in contrast to the Nobel Division he had recently left .
16 Rachaela lost herself in the house as if it were essential that she must .
17 He had seen the CNAA establish itself in the eyes of many — though employers in the more conventional industries had been slow to recognize the public sector and adapt their recruitment policies .
18 Fuming , Christopher shut himself in the house .
19 Meanwhile , David Speedie puts himself in the shop window at St Andrews tonight .
20 Bullock found himself in the driving seat after Davies was forced to play sideways out of a ditch .
21 Duncan buried himself in the paper and with an air of finality he said , — Well I 've got my job here and I 'm happy with it .
22 That is the real reason Strathclyde finds itself in the midst of the gravest financial crisis in its history — not the can pay , wo n't pay' Poll Tax rebels .
23 Miss Hervey took the reading and entered it , and Isobel settled herself in the chair , the baby on her lap , and unbuttoned her blouse .
24 After the meal she went on knitting the complicated sweater while Penry immersed himself in the newspapers he 'd bought earlier in the day .
25 Shelley hugged herself in the moonlight , and felt very privileged .
26 Did Bonnie enjoy herself in the end ?
27 Bernice scrambled madly through the twisted wreckage as Anushkia Smyslov lost herself in the chaos , shouting orders .
28 Annabel saw herself in the role of getting ready to welcome the invalid home .
29 The Woman gave him one look and then switched off the light and Doyle settled himself in the chair and sat silently in the shadows .
30 Caitlin settled himself in the chair .
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