Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [vb pp] him the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Just before he left , Creed had given him the date .
2 Eleanor had given him the opportunity he had needed .
3 Mrs Wright had given him the key to lock the door but he had n't locked it .
4 Chico offered Rex the kind of comforting smile Rex had offered him the night before .
5 He ate in the canteen , spoke with some of the robots , wandered into the sitting room where Roirbak had left him the stack of films , rejected every one as boring , and decided to do a little exploring .
6 With that instinct for survival that had kept the Member for Arden in Parliament for so long , Grunte had sold him the car at a nil rate of interest .
7 The other English Duke in Brussels , Wellington , would have been grateful had he known that Richmond had spared him the Duchess 's worries , for the Commander-in-Chief of the British and Dutch armies already had more than enough worries of his own .
8 Nothing happened at first , but Peccable had warned him the Bowls usually took some time to start from cold .
9 ‘ Wild ’ , Omi had called him the night he arrived , a wild boy , and now another dimension had been added to that figure from long ago : cruelty — a cruel boy … .
10 Scott would bet that he had never worn the snakeskin overcoat Annabel had given him the Christmas before .
11 The Goodison Park striker claimed manager Howard Kendall had made him the scapegoat for all the problems besetting the Mersey giants and blamed the absence of a midfield creator for the lack of goals .
12 If Schopenhauer had given him the notion of a personal vision of life , Wagner gave him first-hand knowledge of a creative talent and the ambition to emulate its cultural achievements .
13 It took a long talk from one of the Sisters of Charity to make him realise that God had given him the gift of his voice and he was to use his gift with religion to help these people .
14 He 'd liked the story well enough , admittedly , given a fairly good display to his half-dozen column inches yesterday ; but when Mike had told him the press conference to which Briant had agreed could make a much better story , he had n't seemed to think much of it .
15 Barnes , who won the last of his eight caps in 1988 , makes his first Divisional appearance since that year and coach Keith Richardson has handed him the captain 's armband , worn by Bath team-mate Andy Robinson last season .
16 ‘ I 'll take her , ’ he said , determination in his voice as though Nicandra had denied him the right to live .
17 He had never forgotten the day in the bide shed when Nutty had told him the horses were going back to the knacker 's , and the fearful panic that had exploded inside him , worse than any brushes with the police or his father , worse than anything he could ever remember .
18 The first challenge to the regime came from the Earl of Lancaster who perhaps felt that Mortimer had denied him the authority which was his due as chief councillor to the king .
19 Lisa had given him the choice of staying with her , or going off but she insisted he decide then as she did n't want him leaving in the middle of it all .
20 Mitch had given him the number of a guy called Turner .
21 Kenneth had told him the story , years ago , about when Fergus put Lachy Watt 's eye out ; he 'd stuck a fossil bone in it , or something .
22 Cora-Beth had told him the night before that there were letters and cards awaiting him from England , all of which had ‘ Not To Be Opened Until 5 Jan. ’ on the envelopes , so she had extracted a promise from him to leave them on his bedside table until this morning .
23 In his place he put Austen Chamberlain , although a little more by accident than design , for Baldwin had offered him the choice between that and the India Office .
24 Instead of the Exchequer , Baldwin had offered him the embassy to Washington , which Chamberlain had rejected with anger .
25 Uncle Walter had given him the photograph .
26 He remembered when Barbara Molland had given him the box .
27 Our information is that Hitler 's offered him the throne .
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