Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 IBM Corp , Hewlett-Packard Co and DEC got together at the Open Software Foundation 's Challenge'93 shindig in Boston last week to demonstrate their implementations of the Distributed Computing Environment .
2 The lady Alianor refers always to the new king thus , thought Joan .
3 Because Xtradrive requires a device driver , which means that it is a system level device , bypassing DOS and the BIOS to go straight to the hard disk would result in the swap file not benefiting from compression .
4 Raul Gardini , then head of the family group , was battling for control of Enimont , a big chemical company which Montedison owned jointly with the Italian state .
5 In the 100 metres Allan got away to a fine start , I came through fast at the end , there was a photo-finish between us and he got the verdict .
6 Cardiff attacked gamely in the final quarter and scored a late try through Jeffreys .
7 James Allan flies economically with the air-minded Kiwis .
8 Though outnumbered the Nez Perce fought valiantly in a gallant but vain attempt to reach Canada and to find sanctuary .
9 Isabel bounced once against the plump straw mattress , then made a frantic bid for freedom .
10 The village of Arrington in Cambridgeshire moved sideways to the improved Old North Road ( A14 ) in the eighteenth century .
11 Ben moved across to the other side s ) f the window , trying to keep them in sight , but he lost them in a moment .
12 " She did n't really love him , " Sarah shouted aloud in the empty house , and blushed as if there were a part of Enid lurking somewhere that could overhear her .
13 In second place Frank Emmelmann had to be at his very best as Linford Christie charged home for the British team , pushed all the way by Bruno Marie-Rose and Stefano Tilli , but the East German held on well as Linford was given the fastest ‘ anchor ’ split of 9.1 .
14 ‘ Let it be made quite clear that there is no doubt about the position of my government ; Germany stands fully behind the Single European Act and its objectives , ’ Dr Kohl declared .
15 At a banquet in Beijing on Oct. 23 Akihito referred obliquely to the Sino-Japanese War as " an unfortunate period in which my country inflicted great sufferings on the people of China " .
16 Helen was called home to help her sister , Irene , in her employment and during this ten-week secretarial stint she and Edward met frequently on the Common as Helen returned from her work .
17 As Mazur got closer to the big players in the Colombian drug world , one name began to come up more and more often : that of BCCI .
18 Meredith asked curiously in a low voice .
19 I want them here by two at the latest — ’ Philpott stopped abruptly as a crushing pain seared through his chest , radiating out to his neck , jaw and arms .
20 Nevertheless , Scott drew heavily on the Byzantine palaces of Venice , which Ruskin had popularized in The Stones of Venice , for inspiration in the revised Foreign Office design that he was preparing for Palmerston in the autumn of 1859 .
21 Meredith poked mistrustfully at the colourful heap on her plate with the fork .
22 Edward turned away from the assembled prelates and nobles of his council and addressed Philip V as follows :
23 Richard turned left for the underground , Martin hailed a taxi .
24 Khrushchev 's boast in the 1960s that socialism would bury capitalism sounds laughable now , as Poland and Hungary scramble ahead of the Soviet Union in economic reforms .
25 Vera had started to climax again as she saw Vashinov pump away at the young man , his breathing rapid as he reached towards his orgasm .
26 Levi withdrew entirely from the Israeli delegation .
27 Bull O'Malley walked steadily under the hot mid-day sun .
28 What was absorbing him so deeply , I realize as I go by , was the sight of his own living-room , with the curtains innocently open , and his wife and Millie moving silently about the bright world inside .
29 At one minute to air , Scott grinned across to the other newscaster , looked up at the control room , and nodded .
30 The navigation lights were switched off but I could see the Cessna Skywagon flying steadily in the cold air .
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