Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pers pn] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When the hamlets were first included in the development area for the new city of Milton keynes in the 1960s , people of Calverton fought it in the High Court and won .
2 Woolley met her in a Belgian hospital in the summer of 1916 , after he had broken both ankles in a forced landing .
3 No — she did n't want to be locked away to die , yet as she rushed across the square she escaped death by inches from a dog-cart without noticing it , the magnet that was Christie Goldsborough drawing her in a straight line , through brick walls if need be , to get at him .
4 In response to some implied criticism I made of his treatment of the sub-editor , Porua regarded me in a sneering silence and then said , ‘ Why should I have regard for my fellows ?
5 Late that evening , Corbett was found by a servant sent by Selkirk , who announced in broad Scots that the knight would be grateful if Corbett joined him in the outer bailey near the main gate .
6 Donna saw it in the rear-view mirror , convinced and elated that she 'd done it crippling damage .
7 His idea of duty took the form of inviting Neil to join him in the nightly round of enjoyment which made up Stair 's life .
8 Florrie told her in no uncertain terms that she would have to get used to it .
9 It must have taken a while from Taunton , Charles thought , as Frances drove them in the yellow Renault 5 along the route Lesley-Jane had described .
10 ‘ I 'm normal now , ’ Maggie assured him in a fuzzy voice as he helped her to the bed and lifted her on to it .
11 ‘ You 've changed since last night , ’ Ruth told him in a soft murmur .
12 Then as her stomach jumps in panic , Maggie sees them in the far corner , Lucy and Frieda , with Jo beside them .
13 It was left to his brother Laurence to include it in the posthumous More Poems ( 1936 ) .
14 His grandson Robert succeeded him in a bare inheritance , due to provisions made in lands and goods for the children of the third marriage .
15 ‘ And there you are wrong , ’ Alain assured her in an amused voice .
16 The borough of Bandon was reputed to have the most sectarian electorate in county Cork and , in 1835 , Jackson contested it in the Conservative interest .
17 Stephen had them in the handsome , leather-bound edition of the International Collectors ' Library and also in the paperbacks that had come out to go with the television series .
18 Penry held her in a loose , impersonal embrace as her tears fell thick and fast , bitter and scalding enough to cauterise the wound in her memory .
19 The meeting was held as advertised and Kinloch addressed it in a wordy speech in which , after pleading with his audience to keep the peace , he criticized the government for excessive taxation , and declaimed : ‘ In short , the whole of our misfortune as a nation , the whole of our misery , the whole of our distress , can be clearly traced to the circumstances of the people being deprived of their share of the British Constitution by not having a voice in the election of persons to represent them in the House of Commons . ’
20 Rose asked her in a low voice .
21 Harry received him in the large parlour , against whose windows a summer gale was hurling heavy drops of rain .
22 ‘ Yes , Nana , ’ Martha assured her in a distracted tone .
23 He died in May and the Seales buried him in a shallow grave in a park .
24 Command of the Army of Africa placed him in a decisive position once the initial impetus of the rising in peninsular Spain was lost .
25 Tennents did it in the wrong way .
26 This sort of behaviour may be cute and quirky when Tom Hanks does it in a feel-good age-swap movie , but in real life it 's pathetic , regressive , and very very sad .
27 The metaphor this time is not the one from Genesis which tells how God made us in the divine image , male and female , and that completion lies in the union of men and women .
28 Beth told her in a reproachful voice .
29 The Oscar joined them in a pretty well-populated four foot tank in early May and appeared to ignore and be ignored by everybody .
30 Viscount Dunedin expressed it in the following words :
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