Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [noun pl] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , Aglen 's appointment as inspector-general coincided with the anti-Manchu revolution of 1911–12 which resulted in the breakdown of the administrative arrangements of the Chinese , and faced by these unprecedented difficulties , Aglen made arrangements for the safety and integrity of customs revenue by placing it in foreign banks in his own name .
2 The collapse of Spinward has implications for the whole of the human-occupied galaxy .
3 UTOPIA has ideas for the improvement of twentieth-century life while NUMEROSO is suspicious of attempts to set the future into a mould , however good it may seem .
4 To test this possibility , Hemler and Longstaff computed mispricings for the period from January 1986 to November 1987 using both models , and compared the results .
5 There is debate as to whether States accept obligations for the protection of individuals or whether individuals are the recipients of rights which they can enforce .
6 An interim report of the Higher Education Review Group for Northern Ireland ( see also 1982 Chilver ) , Chilver investigated implications for the teacher education system of falling school rolls .
7 David gave orders for the food and water to be unloaded and for bombs to be placed on their vehicle .
8 This was already an element in the 1475 will , in which Edward left instructions for the continuance of grants made to ‘ divers of the lords as well of our blood as other , and also knights , squires and divers other our true loving subjects and servants ’ .
9 This was already an element in the 1475 will , in which Edward left instructions for the continuance of grants made to ‘ divers of the lords as well of our blood as other , and also knights , squires and divers other our true loving subjects and servants ’ .
10 That year Lehmann also commissioned Minton to design covers for the magazine .
11 In a speech marking the 20th anniversary of his reign on Nov. 18 , Sultan Qaboos bin Said announced plans for the creation of a Consultative Council " to provide more opportunities for the Omani citizen 's wider participation in the responsibilities of … the fatherland " .
12 As Clinton was taking up the reins of power , a disconsolate President Bush flew back to Washington to make arrangements for the handover .
13 Using past experience with a company he worked for at Tilbury , Essex , Mr Kerfoot obtained quotes for the hire of special railway wagons .
14 The ANC and the government are scheduled to meet for two days from Monday to finalise arrangements for the planning conference and to refine details of their bilateral agreements on transitional rule .
15 He saw the need for education in most of the small towns , and in Ambleside suggested plans for the employment of the workless .
16 In a bid to lift the country out of recession Norman Lamont announced boosts for the car industry , housing , the health service and schools .
17 Germany and Austria led calls for the west to recognise the independence of Slovenia and Croatia .
18 When the results of the first ballot were announced Thatcher was in Paris attending meetings for the signature of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe and of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe [ see pp. 37838-39 ] .
19 ONLY four people turned up at a public meeting in Machynlleth to finalise arrangements for the town 's summer play scheme for local schoolchildren .
20 The first one occurred during the German counter-offensive in the Ardennes at the end of 1944 , when Eisenhower ordered preparations for the evacuation of Strasbourg , which had only just been liberated by Leclerc 's Armoured Division .
21 Vienna , Virginia-based America Online Inc said that it added over 25,000 subscribers to its bulletin board service in the last month : Microsoft Corp co-founder Paul Allen has plans for the company .
22 Members of the hospice staff and committee also met a group of general practitioners from Darlington and South Durham to discuss plans for the Day Hospice .
23 Buckingham Palace is to be opened to the public during August and September to raise funds for the restoration of Windsor Castle .
24 But Arundel Liberal Democrat councillor Roger Johnston claims applications for the post were left forgotten in a drawer for six weeks .
25 ( 4 ) Newco exchanges contracts for the acquisition of Target , and thereby obtains control of Target , by virtue of its contractual entitlement to acquire control as determined by s416(2) Taxes Act .
26 As with all aspects of the Advanced Courses Development Programme , SCOTVEC welcomes suggestions for the improvement of the catalogue and hopes that feedback from centres will help to determine the most useful way in which the necessary information can be provided for all users in the future .
27 One answer might be for the EC to agree rules for the recycling of packaging that would reduce such disruption .
28 They will meet ministers in London to discuss plans for the town if they are one of 20 local authorities to receive £37.5m over five years .
29 The new man was soon in contact with Hardwick , who travelled to Stockport to discuss fittings for the School and who presented on 26th July what he probably thought was to be his final report ,
30 On May 11 Chamorro signed decrees for the revision of all land confiscations under the Sandinista government and one providing for the provisional leasing back of land .
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