Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Gatting , back after serving three years of a five-year ban for his part in the rebel tour of South Africa , has unselfishly not forgotten how Gower fought for him to be his understudy in the sub-continent .
2 dogs barked in the farmyard , and Nosey howled in reply till Sharpe snapped at him to be quiet .
3 He seemed to her to be too splendid to wash dishes ; even Glyn would not think of it , and Alain seemed to her to be a figure of towering importance , the most masculine man she had ever seen .
4 No one at the university was to know of his DIA connection , and to avoid any written record that might compromise his cover , Donleavy arranged for him to be paid during this period with American Express money orders drawn at 7–11 stores around Falls Church , Virginia .
5 The description , however , of the restrictive effect of the civil law of libel given by Brennan J. seems to me to be fairly applicable to the civil law of libel of this country .
6 I consider that as far as they were concerned Mr. Winterbone appeared to them to be perfectly clear and lucid and that , as was said , he seemed to know what he was doing .
7 The story of Bosnia seems to me to be a betrayal that involves all of us , all Europe ; a betrayal of something unique and valuable and worth defending .
8 President Kenyatta asked for it to be translated into Swahili ; and members of his Cabinet paid tribute to its part in bringing a bloodless transition to self-government there .
9 France seemed to me to be more exciting , more mysterious .
10 In case you do not read the dirty parts of the Bible , then let me remind you that the city of Sodom was earmarked for divine retribution when Abraham pleaded for it to be spared .
11 Alix seemed to her to be both practical and highly intelligent .
12 Despite this , I have no qualms about admitting to men of your culture and experience that the demise of Dennis Parsons seemed to me to be jolly desirable .
13 This phenomenon has been going on for long enough in Shetland waters for it to be given a local name of ‘ fuglicaa ’ , which is derived from old Norse ‘ fugl ’ meaning bird and ‘ caa ’ to drive ( as in sheep ) — literally a ‘ bird-drive ’ .
14 This discussion of the primacy of communal property is a point central to Marx 's whole work , and the pleasure he gained in its confirmation in the work of Morgan seems to me to be the only really clear element to emerge from the notebooks .
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