Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] he [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Maisie peered out at him suspiciously .
2 Cadfael went out with him only into the herb garden , for he still had work to do here .
3 He was carrying the American Frank Connor 's bag when he was approached by Nick Faldo to join up with him again .
4 Ronni looked back at him blankly .
5 Ronni looked back at him numbly .
6 Fergus looked over at him briefly .
7 Pickwick came back to him dimly as a Dickensian character .
8 Something in Seb 's voice made Carrie look up at him sharply .
9 Sulien swung round to him gratefully .
10 That night the Wordsworths walked back with him as far as the miner 's house , a short distance from the beech tree above Woodlands Farm where they often parted .
11 Isobel looked up at him curiously .
12 William glanced up at him sharply .
13 ‘ Because I do n't feel mature or civilised when I 'm anywhere near you , ’ Jessamy threw back at him fiercely .
14 And when Gilbert looked up at him again through blurred vision , he could see that Rohmer was talking , although he could hear no words .
15 But she never did find out if he was successful in persuading Paula to go out with him now that he was free .
16 Apgood looked up at him curiously .
17 Isabel looked up at him quickly , startled anew as she realised he was much younger than she 'd first supposed .
18 Lisa looked back at him levelly .
19 Lisa looked back at him steadily .
20 Lisa looked back at him unflinchingly ‘ … you were n't here yesterday evening when the deadline under discussion expired . ’
21 Caroline glanced up at him again .
22 Kate looked back at him curiously .
23 Kate looked back at him consideringly , trying hard not to feel intimidated by the fierce energy that was being directed at her .
24 Lisa smiled back at him triumphantly .
25 Gina stared back at him stonily , her mouth still retaining a testimony to that fact .
26 Yanto looked down at him momentarily , his blue eyes watering from the wind .
27 Karr looked back at him almost blankly , then gave a brief laugh .
28 Karr leaned in on him angrily .
29 He brushed with the same dead regard the face of the man his agents were still seeking in the matter of the Leicester treason , and Brother John gazed back at him earnestly and impartially , and was moved to distant pity .
30 The sergeant came to a halt outside the adjutant 's hut , and an out-of-breath Charlie caught up with him just as the door was opened by a colour-sergeant who turned to Charlie and said , ‘ Stand to attention , lad , remain one pace behind me and do n't speak unless you 're spoken to .
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