Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pos pn] [noun pl] at the " in BNC.

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1 Crosse 's close association with Ralegh ruined his prospects at the court of James I and he retired .
2 There are already two vacancies on the Glenavon board with the former chairman and long-serving George Fleming losing their seats at the shareholders AGM last week .
3 With these words to the press , Harry Truman expressed his feelings at the news of Franklin Roosevelt 's death on 12 April 1945 .
4 Jahsaxa flashed her eyes at the doctor .
5 The vision of Mrs Thatcher raising her arms at the Tory Party Conference and saying she is ‘ proud to be old ’ is so unlikely that it makes us smile .
6 One evening , in the summer of 1974 , when Susan checked her hands at the scanner , …
7 Artfully and sensibly , the red-throated bee-eater of Nigeria starts its labours at the end of the rainy season when the ground is relatively soft , even though it will not be ready to lay its eggs for another three months .
8 Up on the roof Balberith drove his fists at the steel plate and howled obscenities , the way some of them do .
9 In 1851 Harris showed his facsimiles at the Great Exhibition ; his own brief account of his technique and early work appears in the 1852 Reports by the Juries .
10 Dr Clarke aimed his remarks at the key issues of the election campaign : health , education and the economy .
11 At a time of radical change in Hungary , Nick Dallman relives his experiences at the hands of the secret and often brutal state now being dismantled State of fear .
12 When she arrived home she had found Larry polishing his shoes at the table .
13 Quiss narrowed his eyes at the pupil which seemed to be looking at him .
14 The General Sir John French commemorative of 1916 , which the Rose and Crown Hotel in Selby offered its customers at the time , is captioned ‘ Souvenir of the Greatest War in History ’ .
15 Margaret rolled her eyes at the ceiling .
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