Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sir Edmond made his will on 20th March the following year , exactly a month before his death .
2 Avoiding the perils of the grand design , and eschewing broader questions of penal philosophy , the ACPS concentrated its attention on specific references .
3 In parliament , Lennox-Boyd restated his position on 11 May 1956 : ‘ If a general election is held Her Majesty 's Government will be ready to accept a motion calling for independence within the Commonwealth passed by a reasonable majority in a newly elected legislature and then to declare a firm date for this purpose . ’
4 Dr Neil wiped his hand on one of the pieces of towelling .
5 Either way , said Colin , the areas that LASMO has its eye on all have the potential to bring further success and prosperity to the company .
6 As the gold backing for the dollar crumbled in the 1960s , the United States increased its pressure on central banks not to join private speculators in demanding gold ; in 1967 West Germany issued a formal declaration undertaking not to ‘ cash in ’ its dollars for gold , and most other countries , with the notable exception of France , apparently made unofficial statements to the same effect .
7 Dr Neil put his head on one side and said gravely , ‘ You must learn not to be impudent to the Master , McAllister — it really will not do , ’ but she knew by his manner that he was not serious , and she thought again what a pity it was that the ugly scar so spoiled and distorted his face .
8 My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland made our position on that matter clear yesterday .
9 Meanwhile , at Althorp Street , Mrs Sugden kept her wireless on loud and continuously , and on the morning of 10 July 1943 , I heard from our bedroom some dramatic news .
10 Aelin brought them food on wooden platters .
11 Colleagues , I now call Mick to deliver his report on public services section .
12 Giap launched his assault on 13 March ; for nearly two months the fighting raged .
13 Nizan 's willingness to envisage international diplomacy as an act of moral integrity rather than a process of tactical and strategic expediency was highlighted several years later in May 1939 , at a moment when Stalin tightened his grip on foreign policy by replacing Litvinov with Molotov .
14 I therefore offered Gail Rebuck my resignation on 17th March , and she finally accepted it on 19th March , asking that it should be kept confidential until 24th March , after the London Book Fair was over .
15 Longtime Ibanez player Frank Gambale has his moniker on this new Ibanez FGM 100 and if you can answer two easy question it could be yours .
16 Eddie cocked her head on one side and pursed her lips .
17 Churchill began his campaign on 12 December before the Royal Empire Society with an onslaught on Dominion Status as ‘ a hideous act of self-mutilation astounding to every nation in the world ’ ; continued it for a more general audience by personally hiring the Free Trade Hall in Manchester ; and moved inexorably towards his Shadow Cabinet resignation at the end of January .
18 Mrs Yaxlee kept her counsel on that one .
19 In 1980 the Communist parties of El Salvador , Chile , Uruguay and Honduras revised their position on armed struggle , although the peaceful road is still the preferred strategy in the majority of Latin American countries .
20 We do not know precisely what stage the likelihood of significant harm had reached at the time when Thorpe J. gave his judgment on 12 May 1992 , but , he spoke of the need to strike
21 When Peter Prager left his family on 23 December 1938 , he had only one thing on his mind :
22 Anna continues her report on this software package for designing knitwear which comes from Soft Byte .
23 In peacetime the Gazelle earns its living on such tasks as ferrying VIPs around the country .
24 Van den Boogard concentrated his study on revealing characteristics shared by the Anglo-Norman fabliaux which could be explained by reference to the peculiar situation of the Anglo-Norman community .
25 Thus acorns succeeded extremely well , and Fothergill 's splendid collection of ‘ Americans ’ at Upton justified his emphasis on proper care in transport .
26 Throughout the campaign , this magazine will call on SSDs to improve their record on elder abuse .
27 The trophy was presented by Mr Mason to mark his retiral on 5 April this year and his period as Director from July 1981 .
28 Lydia put her head on one side , reminding Annie of a little sparrow with her darting beady eyes .
29 We have seen Democrat Presidential hopeful Bill Clinton playing his sax on American TV .
30 The US sets its compass on two trading oceans Notebook .
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