Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Buxton revealed his awareness of conflicting pressures and the source of his determination to pursue his own course in a letter to Althorp on the eve of the 1832 motion on emancipation .
2 Oxford will be looking to Richard Montgomerie to consolidate his promise of last season , when he averaged 33.33 .
3 Allan Roberts repeated his prevarication of 8th December in his summing-up speech for Labour at the conclusion of the 9th March 1988 Parliamentary debate .
4 When Charles formed an executive board to make decisions without reference to the shareholders , Koch saw his control of 74 per cent of the stock counting for nothing .
5 Unknown to Magellan and his crew — for they lived fully three centuries before Alfred Wegener advanced his theory of continental drift — the spot where they chanced upon the new ocean is one of the great tectonic landmarks of the world .
6 The employers on Friday increased their offer of 7.6 per cent and one extra day 's holiday , in answer to a 10 per cent demand with two extra days now .
7 ‘ How did Cathy Carne receive her bit of glad news ?
8 Freud extended his analysis of close-knit sexual and blood relations to the formation of larger social and political groups .
9 Hilton embodies his understanding of this journey in images of light and darkness based on an anagogical reading of two texts from Isaiah 26:9 : " mi soule desired in " and 9:2 : Habitantibus in regione umbrae mortis , lux orta est eis which he translates " to the wonend in contre of shadwe of dede , was spronge " [ wonend : dwellers ] ( 25.92r. – 238 ) .
10 Vancouver had its share of unusual ‘ characters ’ one of these being ‘ Professor ’ Francis , a tall rather unkempt and unshaven man who spent many hours in the CBC studio lobby watching the rehearsals or broadcasts through the plate glass windows .
11 Alison signalled her appreciation of this pun , but took a neo-McLuhanite line herself , arguing that since actuality was the essence of the medium , watching a classic novel on television was as odd as reading it in a newspaper .
12 Darwin proposed his theory of sexual selection to account for sex differences of structure and behaviour , according to which , in most species , males compete for , and females select , mates .
13 While Tyneside has its share of industrial dereliction , in Newcastle it was able to boast of a vibrant city and the region 's key cultural and educational institutions .
14 Pembrokeshire heads my list of favourite UK walking areas .
15 They will be selected at the same time as Scotland finalise their team of ten .
16 They will be selected at the same time as Scotland finalise their team of ten .
17 It was in a row of green marble facades , but although the elegant exterior had to be maintained , inside the Ashleys continued their policy of minimal decoration with maximum stock .
18 In other words , Scotland had its share of political problems between the crown and its greatest subjects , and here , as elsewhere , these problems were sometimes resolved violently .
19 In 1990 HCIMA launched its Accreditation of Prior Learning for those seeking recognition of their work-based learning to help them gain full membership .
20 Ballycastle have their share of experienced campaigners but may find that Cushendall are in no mood to relinquish their county title .
21 Secondly , our position is clear : we will not allow the House of Commons to lose its control of public spending .
22 As Endill ate his plate of boiled potatoes he pondered on the afternoon ahead and was so involved in his thoughts he did not hear the boy sitting next to him speak .
23 Sir : Your contributor William Rees-Mogg identified his list of 50 ‘ mastersingers of Europe ’ .
24 In fact his schedule was then changed , and on 24 May Gen McCreery began his tour of 5 Corps area by visiting units of 46 Division who were to be concerned with the repatriation of the Cossacks .
25 Miss Braithwaite expressed her appreciation of all the hard work undertaken by the retiring Vice-Chairman , Mrs. Ann McMillan and said how much she regretted that Ann was unable to be present at the meeting because of her admission to hospital .
26 Thereupon Malone exercised his right of direct access under the Convention , with the first question for the European Court being whether the administrative arrangements in Britain ( which restrict privacy ) were ‘ in accordance with law ’ .
27 As is now widely known , when , on 2 September , Ho Chi Minh made his declaration of Vietnamese independence , his opening and acknowledged quotation was from the American original .
28 The most important study in this period was published in 1924 when Sidney Haas described his treatment of coeliac disease .
29 On that basis , then , we have a reason to be glad that Clive Lloyd adapted his strategy of all-out pace , for had he not done so perhaps we would have seen less of one of the most watchable of all bowlers .
30 The PSP reconsidered their policy of total opposition to the guerrilla strategy late in July 1958 , when Carlos Rafael Rodriguez was sent up into the Sierra , where he encountered ‘ understanding ’ in Rául 's encampment and ’ suspicion' in Fidel 's ( Thomas : 1977 , pp. 220–1 ) .
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