Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Kriss Akabusi doubled his collection to two bronzes as our 4x400 relay world champions took third place behind the world-record breaking United States
2 An archivist digging through the files had discovered a collection of fascinating links between the hospital and the Royal family since Queen Victoria became its patron in 1852 .
3 A late developer on the world championship trail , Cardus made his debut in 1983 , won his first GP in 1989 and led a world championship for the first time last season .
4 In parliament , Lennox-Boyd restated his position on 11 May 1956 : ‘ If a general election is held Her Majesty 's Government will be ready to accept a motion calling for independence within the Commonwealth passed by a reasonable majority in a newly elected legislature and then to declare a firm date for this purpose . ’
5 Amir : Shaikh Jabir al Ahmad al Jabir as Sabah succeeded his cousin in 1977 .
6 Dr Neil wiped his hand on one of the pieces of towelling .
7 The later Lives of Aethelberht place his accession in 779 so that the suspicion must arise that this note is perhaps based on a misreading of a king-list which concluded by simply listing these names and misled the annalist into thinking that the kingdom had been partitioned among them .
8 On May 31 Bhutto postponed her visit to four Gulf States , planned in order to win Arab support over Kashmir .
9 Now in the care of the National Trust Waddesdon began its facelift in 1986 .
10 When Charles formed an executive board to make decisions without reference to the shareholders , Koch saw his control of 74 per cent of the stock counting for nothing .
11 Hatch resigned his appointment in 1892 and went to work as a mining engineer in Johannesburg .
12 Dr Neil put his head on one side and said gravely , ‘ You must learn not to be impudent to the Master , McAllister — it really will not do , ’ but she knew by his manner that he was not serious , and she thought again what a pity it was that the ugly scar so spoiled and distorted his face .
13 The employers on Friday increased their offer of 7.6 per cent and one extra day 's holiday , in answer to a 10 per cent demand with two extra days now .
14 But whether or not Nannette was influenced by her husband , whom she married in 1804 , or by others , such as Beethoven , through Streicher , it is clear that the pianos from her workshop had significantly changed not long before Reichardt wrote his letter in 1809 .
15 Mr Thesiger held his post for three years in circumstances both irksome and perilous .
16 Schaffhausen received its charter in 1045 .
17 Alexandra ate her pudding in two savage mouthfuls and gulped as if she was swallowing medicine .
18 Regulars blinked in disbelief as Anthony made his entrance in 1920s flying suit , helmet , goggles and scarf .
19 Kenneth laughed as Fergus refilled his glass from one of the whisky bottles on the drinks trolley behind them .
20 Sailing Bond gets his reward for 20 years of trying .
21 ‘ It is probable , ’ Storr observes , ‘ that England owed her survival in 1940 to this inner world of make-believe . ’
22 Zen tapped his chest with one finger . ’
23 Gooch made sixty five , Graham Hicks boost boosted his confidence with his second international fifty and England reached their target with ten overs to spare .
24 Kilfedder increased his vote from 2.7 quotas in 1973 .
25 Formerly a Spanish colony , Chile won its independence in 1818 .
26 In July 1990 , it was revealed , Ryzhkov bought his dacha for 35,359 roubles , but three days later it was valued at 78,017 roubles .
27 Hope flicked his head to one side as if dodging a blow : there had been no need to slaughter those two old booby servants ; but Newton had ignored his protests .
28 They will be selected at the same time as Scotland finalise their team of ten .
29 They will be selected at the same time as Scotland finalise their team of ten .
30 Westmorland elected him MP in 1623 , twice in 1625 , and , with his son John , in 1627 ; and he kept diaries of proceedings in the Commons .
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