Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pron] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Caduta asked me to come to an address in Little Italy at two o'clock that afternoon .
2 Confused by the light in her eyes and the constant chattering of their host , Isabel found herself ushered into the house before she could correct the man 's assumption that she was fitzAlan 's lady .
3 It could have been hours or minutes later that Isabel found herself staring into a dark pit .
4 SCRAM found itself caught in the middle between those who felt nonviolent protest was the only way and those who really wanted to see the whole place go up in smoke .
5 Isabel stopped her pacing about the room and looked at de Raimes in surprise .
6 Sadly much of the animosity generated about Cochrane and Bennett originated from within No 5 Group and a great deal I was able to counter before it reached tap-room levels , I never felt I was running with the fox because I had great feeling and admiration for both these Olympian " gores , in fact , Cochrane invited me to move to No 5 Group with him when he left No 3 Group , but I declined as I was in mid-tour .
7 As he suggested that Richards had been less than sporting , Martin-Jenkins found himself banned from the local airwaves and Public Enemy Number One in Barbados ; since he is renowned as a courteous , generous-spirited chap , it brought home to English fans just how fervently Richards is regarded in the Caribbean , although any English supporter who watched the incident on television would have been hard pushed to disagree with Martin-Jenkins 's assessment of it .
8 Leaning away slightly as Ibn Fayoud enveloped her in his gowns and aftershave , Kelly found herself looking at a smiling Annie .
9 Beryl caught him looking at a painting hanging above the mantelpiece , a portrait of a middle-aged woman of exceptional beauty .
10 Corbett met him coming up the stairs .
11 By the spring Richard found himself faced by a formidable coalition of enemies .
12 Rex found himself crashing to the ground .
13 Gregory has nothing to say about the Thuringians in Clovis 's reign .
14 David found himself caught between the demands of the receivers on the one hand and his old boss , who stayed on as a consultant .
15 Lucy found herself mouthing like a mill worker to make herself understood over the noise , which was louder than any machinery .
16 And , totally unexpectedly , Lucy found herself moved by a brief surge of affection and pity .
17 ‘ When I joined Vancouver Whitecaps I played under the best manager of my career .
18 he continued to teach at Chelsea School of Art , and has also taught at the Royal Academy Schools since 1975 when Peter Greenham invited him to teach in the Life Room .
19 The MPs , leaders of Britain 's cross-party peace group New Consensus , wrote to Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams challenging him to appeal to the IRA to halt its campaign of violence .
20 Detective Sergeant Andy says she wandered across a nearby golf course .
21 Still less at lectures which , Rosengarten recalled they avoided on a regular basis .
22 Suddenly , Bernice heard something move in the corner of the room .
23 Hari heard him beating at the bushes with his truncheon and then he opened the door to the workshop .
24 And then Sue tell her to go to the giro place .
25 Lucy watched them going down the lane .
26 Shufflebotham watched him work for a few moments .
27 As Inge plunged down the stairs and headed for the kitchen at the back of the house , Shiona watched her go with an almost envious smile .
28 Corbett watched her disappear into the mist .
29 Presumably some of those who were still loyal to Richard kept him informed of the deteriorating political situation , and of the contacts between his brothers and the rebels .
30 Eventually , on July 25 , Aoun issued what amounted to a rejection of the new plan .
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