Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adj] [adv] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Only after the Uprising had established new political realities did the PLO feel strong enough to concede the demands made by Western nations — renouncing terrorism , accepting 242 and recognizing Israel more explicitly than before .
2 She hurried on , in case Mrs Whitfield felt obliged actually to answer the question , " But I am sure he 'll say yes . "
3 By the end of the year , Biya felt strong enough to force a showdown with Ahidjo and the latter lost the position of party chairman while still abroad .
4 By May Nizan felt confident enough to announce the imminent signing of the pact .
5 Despite obvious Iranian links with our captors , Britain appeared determined only to exploit the better relationship with Iran for British companies seeking contracts there , rather than using it to secure our release .
6 The small war in Spain had to be fought , they argued , precisely in order to check the fascist advance before Hitler felt strong enough to launch the big war .
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