Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] at the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For the NMDA channel to open , and thus to trigger the induction of LTP , it is necessary for two events to occur simultaneously : the membrane must be sufficiently depolarized to expel Mg 2+ from NMDA channels at the same time that L-glutamate has , by binding to NMDA receptors , promoted their opening .
2 The rent was one shilling and tenpence for each dwelling — I remember the amount because Miss Young went to the Church Vestry to pay for both herself and her neighbour each Saturday morning at the same time that I was collecting the pensions for the Almshouse Ladies .
3 John assured me that it did n't matter in the least , and amused himself by taxying the machine up and down the runways , testing and running-in the VW engine at the same time .
4 Michael freed the children from the evil hand of Dr Adams at the same time as reuniting the children and himself with their true families .
5 There is evidence particularly on the political right of a view that ‘ multiple citizenship ’ is somehow inconsistent with British citizenship , whereas what is needed is a way of combining a sense of belonging to the British , English , Welsh , Scottish or ( more problematic still ) the Northern Ireland community at the same time as feeling a sense of community with other groups .
6 In other CDU changes at the same time Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble was appointed leader of the parliamentary party .
7 So it was a happy coincidence that the Rev Alan Mackenzie at the same Congress was able to announce that he had recently attended a meeting between Sir Keith Joseph , then Secretary of State for Social Services , and representatives of other national voluntary organisations concerned with the deaf and the hard of hearing , where the Minister 's intention of setting up a permanent committee to help and advise him had been discussed .
8 ‘ Also , anyone near the Vernon public house , Dale Street , near the magistrates ’ court , or the Texaco garage on Vauxhall Road at the same time , should do the same . ’
9 Thus Mrs Ramsay at her dinner table , thinking her thoughts , ‘ dissociated from the moment ’ , plotting a match between Lily Briscoe and William Bankes , while Lily Briscoe at the same table is thinking wistfully of quite another man .
10 The risk with other-name information is obvious : a lender knowing that Mr Brown and Mr Robinson have dreadful debt records but that apparently Mr Smith at the same address does not , might suspect that all three are aliases for the same person , or at best members of the same disreputable household , and so may refuse Mr Smith credit — even if in real life all three are quite unconnected .
11 Gary Sams , 20 , of Kirkstone Place , Newton Aycliffe , is charged with unlawfully killing mother-of-four Joanne Robinson at the same address on November 26 last year .
12 It followed a fire at 8:45pm on Wednesday night at the same farm in a shed containing almost six tonnes of straw .
13 Michael Stich romped past Franco Davin at the same stage before falling to Courier who was now well into his war dance .
14 Caccini also set the Euridice text at the same time and both works were published at once , though Caccini 's was not performed till 5 December 1602 .
15 Scott , a Stockton district councillor who went up to Oxford University at the same time as Margaret Thatcher , was third in 1987 in a tight three cornered fight .
16 On Thursday The King Bees play at the same venue .
17 She carved up Muriel Spark and Iris Murdoch at the same time as the bacon .
18 One of the West Indians at the same table as the girl was cheerfully full of white rum and coca-cola .
19 When the structure of organization in the whole city was reviewed in Sheffield in 1911 , it was 10 Salvidge that local Unionists turned for advice , as did the Manchester Unionists at the same time .
20 More than 2 megabytes of RAM will be required on the A5000 if you want to run Archimedes programs at the same time as Designaknit .
21 Book Club Europe Drive at the same time as your flight and you could be driving a luxurious Ford Granada Scorpio for exactly the same price as a Ford Sierra 1.6L .
22 First , make sure you book Club Europe Drive at the same time as you reserve your Club Europe flight , calling either your dedicated Executive Club Reservation number on , or your travel agent .
23 Since the church was the work of Pelligrini Tibaldi it means that at one time the two most famous of Milanese architects — Il Pellegrino and L'Alessi — were working in Piazza San Fedele at the same time , the one on the church , and the other on the Palazzo Marino .
24 Watkins aims to have a software development environment , including programming tools and a C compiler , available to the Intel OEMs at the same time as Solaris 2.1 Improved graphics facilities , similar to those enjoyed by the Sparc community , will be provided in due course , he says , along with greater high-availability features , security above the current C2 level , and a better implementation of HAL .
25 But we still do n't know much about the man himself apart from his age ( 59 ) , and that he went to Shrewsbury School at the same time as Michael Heseltine .
26 Invoicing and trade orders will be processed at NCB 's Denbigh Road office and orders made by fax and telephone should be for the attention of Chris Shelley at the same address .
27 Bryan Forbes , the writer and director , came into the London theatre at the same time as Burton and knew him then .
28 Patting the chair beside him , he told Daisy , ‘ If Perdita gets the scholarship , Sukey and I may well be going out to New Zealand at the same time to buy some ponies , so we can keep an eye on her . ’
29 Once we were in New York at the same time and stayed in separate hotels .
30 The now renamed NUWM mounted a last national march in 1936 which obtained C. R. ( later Earl ) Attlee and Aneurin Bevan [ qq.v. ] as platform speakers for its rally in London , but even this success was overshadowed by the publicity attracted by the apolitical Jarrow crusade at the same time , the one hunger march in which the NUWM was not involved .
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